The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

This is the ultimate liberal procedural checkmate. Oops got to update some forms. When you’re the most powerful people in the country thats the worst you’ll ever need to do

Also lol at the idea that Thomas somehow lost money but his mom has been living rent free for 9 years in a house that got upgrades.

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It’s one of the clearer law protecting in group/binding out group juxtapositions I’m aware of.



Stfu slate

All we need is someone betting he’ll get in trouble and it’s a wrap.

Rotfl. There is a greater chance trump goes to jail than Thomas faced any consequences.

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Seriously, @Cactus I’ll give you all the action you want on this one.

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lol I won’t even pretend to have any clue on this. Another one who should be in jail along with his wife, but as far as I can tell SCOTUS is accountable to no one. We’ll see if investigations get far enough along, but for now, I’m probably just as skeptical as anyone that he’ll ever be held accountable

It’s the same picture . Jpg

The goal shouldn’t be holding Thomas personally accountable for what he did. It should be exacting the most painful and humiliating damage of SCOTUS and the conservative legal movement possible.

Never let a Supreme Court decision cross your lips without pointing out that it’s the most corrupt and bought-and-paid-for institution in the American government. Never mention Thomas’ name without mentioning his nakedly corrupt relationship with a billionaire patron. Constantly point out the double standard that normal people would be behind bars for what Thomas did, and that fact is why everything SCOTUS does is illegitimate. When asked about a SCOTUS challenge of a Dem law or policy, laugh.

This can be an Overton window shifting moment.


SSC, you’re posting on the wrong account.


Justices holding out for a bigger payoff from Crow

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A lot of toothless, “please come talk about ethics, you guys haven’t even talked about that publicly since 2011” stuff you expect from the standard Dem mopes like Durbin, but I hadn’t seen the explicit “I don’t give a shit” comments from the Republicans before.

At a Capitol Hill press conference Thursday, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., was asked whether he had any concerns about Thomas accepting gifts from Crow that were never disclosed.

“No, not at all,” McCarthy replied. “Not at all.”

“Let him deal with the situation in his own backyard,” Graham said of Roberts, according to NBC News.

“I would be surprised if he agreed to come,” Graham added, “And I would support his decision not to come if that’s what he wanted to do.”

I had thought their play was to just be quiet about it until it goes away, because of course Dems won’t really do anything as soon as people start to forget.

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Looks like a $300+ jacket, wonder if he paid for it?

Pic was from when he was the grand marshal of Daytona years ago, think the jacket came along with that

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