The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

I’m sure lawbros everywere are all randymarsh.jpg over this one:

Two of the three judges on the panel who wrote this trash opinion were, of course, Trump-appointed federalist society shitheads

I seriously do not know (yes I do) why Biden is not packing the federal appeals courts in every district while there is still time.

Eh, MJS basically distills the case in the last sentence:

If Barrett doesn’t let politics interfere, she can turn this awful case into originalism’s shining moment

I don’t think many court watching lawyers expect ACB to not “let politics interfere” in her decision, but if for some reason she doesn’t then the lawbros will notch a dub.

Muh norms!

biden’s not going terribly bad in packing the courts, and republican judges have been reluctant to leave in response to a prolific first year.

I’m talking about creating new seats and putting liberals in them not just filling open ones. It needs to be a conveyor belt.

that’s authoritarian af, and not something a president can pull off

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As always, the plan should be to say “John Roberts has made his decision, now let him enforce it” and do it anyway. Too bad Biden doesn’t have what it takes to do that.



lol breyer dude has literally been playing the game his whole life and still refuses to admit it’s calvinball

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Muh old school segregationist President

Ho is 100% Federalist garbage but I guess a clerkship with him is still an instant ticket to biglaw riches

If you got to Yale or Stanford, you’ve already got the ticket.

True but that clerkship means something, or it used to. Those prestige whore firms just loooooooove putting crap like that on their Web sites. eta plus they’re mortal locks for judicial noms in a few years.

We still talking about a clerkship with Ho?