The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

I agree. I know way too many lawbros who breathe in the majestic decorum of SCOTUS. Continuing press coverage might help. Queue the sweet summer child.

A lot of lawbros treat the legal system like a religion, not a system for resolving conflicts. The breathless praising of briefs makes me chuckle every time, right before I start to weep.


This is the only time your brand of pure fantasy 100% keyboard edgelording is correct.

When the system is designed with lifetime appointment, zero ethical rules, and increasingl partisanship then the only actual recourse is using any available lever to move the needle and apply pressure. This is especially true when the family is also totally partisan.

The contrast between the US and Canadian Supreme Court is so stark. Here the court is basically ignored and treated like boring bureaucrats. There is zero veneration. It’s almost too far to the other side.

They aren’t politically appointed in Canada.


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i simply do not understand how logical people haven’t shunned legal “minds” that opine about how they believe long dead people would have thought about situations they obviously never even imagined…

instead we empower them and let them create law by judicial fiat. such a great system.

The wisdom of old, slave owning men with rotted-out wooden teeth wearing days-old soiled underwear cannot be questioned.


Didn’t a husband basically own their wife back then? Like you couldn’t kill your wife, but you could rape her or beat her all you want?

If by “back then” you mean the 1950s, then yes.



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Try the 80’s

“However, by 1987, only twelve states had laws allowing wives to charge their husbands with rape without considerations of legal separation or cohabitation.[9] By 1993 marital rape was a crime in all 50 U.S. states.[10]”

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Are you 50+?

I don’t know a single lawyer under 40 that doesn’t roll their eyes at SCOTUS.

If you love guns and hate women…

… you might be a redneck!


Early 90s in the socialist paradise of Australia

Yes. I am 50+. Good to hear your perspective. Maybe there’s hope?