The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

alito did it. that’s all that says imo.

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So Ginni



The article is if law and order were done like Supreme Court investigation, this part is funny.

Detective:… We did a thorough investigation. That’s all we can do. We can look at ourselves in the mirror and say, “We did our best.” And, at the end of the day, isn’t that what counts?

Lawyer: Not when you are investigating a crime. Look, we know the crime happened, so someone had to have done it!

Detective: You ever hear of a victimless crime? This was its cousin, the perpetratorless crime.

Lawyer: That’s not a thing.

Detective: Sure it is. You ever try to follow up on an assault at a prep school party? A perpetratorless crime is a crime where the most likely suspect belongs to a country club.

Lawyer: I don’t understand. Someone did it, and we just need to find that person.

Detective: Maybe it was a person. Maybe it was a fog, or a ghost, or the emanations of the penumbras that come out of the Constitution and offer us guidance.

Lawyer: I think it was a person. It wasn’t no one!

Detective: No one has done a lot of crimes. He blinded the Cyclops.


Remember that article that floated that liberal religious people aren’t sincere so we shouldn’t listen to them when talking about religious liberty?

The, the Becket Fund, the right wing ‘religious liberty’ legal firm, is making that an argument in their amicus brief

But the tomb robbing, artifact stealing Hobby Lobby Snobbies briefs are sincere. Bullshit.

Sundance scheduled only the one screening of the film, so the version screened Friday likely will never be seen by another audience.

If word had gotten out, Friday’s screening might not have happened, Liman said. “There would have been an injunction to keep the film from being shown,” he said.


Land of free speech.

Wait this movie is actually going to be censored?

The filmmakers are trying to raise interest so you can expect some hyperbole but who knows. It includes allegations from a woman whose story was squelched by the Trump admin, according to the filmmakers. I seem to remember this and iirc it was treated as not credible or at least unsupported.

I heard about that movie, there is supposed to be a bit more information about his Yale sexual assaults. Like when he was terrorizing Deborah Ramirez at a party by wagging his exposed dick in her face, he then went off and got himself erect before coming back and doing it more. And now he’s on the Supreme Court for life.

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Do they explain the Nationals season tickets and mountains of debt Kavanaugh had mysteriously erased?


He found some money that fell off the back of a truck.

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lol “may present”


I think doing opposition research and going after the families of conservative Supreme Court justices is a good strategy. Go scorched earth on the credibility of SCOTUS.

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