The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything


not gonna read this and just assume it’s 100% calvinball

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Seems like an ideal situation to trial balloon “fuck you, no”


Biden will fight this with the same vigor he fought to reinstate mask mandates on planes and trains.

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Would not have bet on Gorsuch being the one joining the libs on this one. This line is pretty special coming from him though: “we are a court of law, not policymakers of last resort.”

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Can one of you lawbros give me some cliffs on the majority’s “reasoning”? I’ll dig up the opinion at some point, but I don’t think I will fully grasp the ridiculousness.

At first I thought it was an actual ruling, but it sounds to me like they haven’t even got to Calvinball yet. I think they effectively said “We’re going to keep things the way they are until we hear the case in February”.

I guess even that is a bit of Calvinball, but not as egregious as I was expecting. The optimistic interpretation is that the majority is hoping something comes up so they don’t have to do the ridiculous Calvinball which will contradict a whole bunch of stuff they have already said (of course, they will do it if it comes to it, but I suppose they would rather not)


No point reading the opinion, this is the nut of it:

The Supreme Court’s order Tuesday essentially preserves the status quo at the border while the high court receives full briefing and argument on the legal issues involved. The court indicated that oral arguments on the Title 42 policy will take place in February or March. That makes a final decision likely by late June.


“New presidents can’t change undo things their predecessor did by fiat unless we say so after a lengthy hearing process” is already Calvinball.


As if there is any doubt how these assholes will rule when Daddy D wants to nuke a Biden policy

“The POTUS is head of the executive branch with broad powers blah blah blah”

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It’s a health-based policy, so it should go away if COVID is over.

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Biden is going to litigate that he has the power to do this, but I suspect he’s relatively happy about this outcome. Our immigration system is completely fucked and he’s going to get zero help from the dipshits in Congress in solving it and the replacement policies he’s considering are also all super problematic.

Closest analog IMO is the mask mandate on transportation case. Administration won the case ultimately but were happy as hell to just punt removing masks as a court mandated policy decision and sure as shit didn’t sprint to reinstate mandates after they won. I suspect they’d be plenty happy to just have Title 42 as mandated policy indefinitely.

If anyone doubted, there’s like a 0.000000001% chance Ginni and Clarence have some kind of ethical firewall up


Pikachu surprised

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This can go in a few places. Sorry if I missed it elsewhere

Lol Biden

In urging the Supreme Court to hear the new case, United States v. Hansen, No. 22-179, the Biden administration said the Ninth Circuit’s decision striking down the law was “a substantial impediment to the nationwide administration of the immigration laws.”

Ms. Curley, a lawyer and former Army officer, oversees the Supreme Court’s in-house police force, which has an authorized strength of 189 officers and principal missions of patrolling the court’s property and protecting the justices.

That feels like a lot of officers.

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I assume they demanded Clarence Thomas turn over his cel phone as well?

That would amount to a redux.

“At the same hearing, Rep. Jim Jordan (R., Ohio), now the House Judiciary Committee chairman, said the committee should itself investigate the leak.”

all of the GOP operatives when they read this

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