The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

I mean, he’s a federal appeals court judge right? That’s typically enough for a prime gig, from there just make your own way. Ho sucks obv but worse or as bad judges have produced federal judges look at the current bench. Hell, Ho himself clerked for another 5th circuit turd who is still there iirc

Well, as far as I know he’s not a feeder. But my info could be dated. Wouldn’t shock me if Alito or Thomas loved his clerks.

Assuming he isn’t, I don’t think a clerkship for him does that much for for a Yale or Stanford grad. It’s not nothing, but it’s not that big a deal. Now if you go something like the University of Arizona (just picked something at random) and clerked for Ho or any other judge in that position, then it’s a huge leg up.

Nah he’s not he’s a Trump appointee


I was agreeing with you, I think?

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I misread it the first time around.

the GOP would immediately move to impeach whatever lib justice did this shit, without any hesitation whatsoever. Dems will do nothing

How ridiculous. Dems will issue statements of deep – possibly even grave – concern.


Thomas flew from DC to TX just to swear someone in. Guess he knows how to provide good client service.

They look like they’re in a Dark Souls game.


Awaiting Alex Jones’ deep dive investigation into the conservative judiciary.

Pretty sure that’s the room from Devil’s Advocate


Can’t have that!


The lefts brain worm (of which I was formally infected) that the way to protect norms is to ignore breaches of those norms will go down in history books as a primary cause of the downfall of the republic.


You can’t test the strength of the rope in case it snaps. Then how will you get out of the pit? Best to stay in the pit. It’s Schrödingers court. Until you test the norms they may not be broken.


Can someone make an AI drawing of Clarence Thomas in a Dark Souls game?


Thomas, the longest-serving member of the court, said he has always tried to comply with disclosure guidelines. Regarding the recent changes, “It is, of course, my intent to follow this guidance in the future,” he said in the statement.

He said his buddies told him he didn’t have to disclose but since people are being such dicks about it, he will do it now.

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