The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Well, duh, nothing in the Constitution about sky color. Typical Federal overreach.

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Don’t tell me what to think about color the sky is. If I want to think the sky is pink with yellow polka dots that is my Personal Choice, and therefore it is unassailable.

We did elect a black president, and an African-American is now the richest man in the world.

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Also about bog standard corruption at the Supreme Court

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my senator deleted this but thanks to elon’s elite programming skillz you can still search and find it


So our government is set up expertly via checks and balances but the Supreme Court is accountable to nobody such that sitting justices can do failed coups and openly conspire with litigants. Cool man


And this isn’t even close to the top of the list of poorly designed features of your democracy!

Well isn’t impeachment the check? Yeah, I know it’s practically worthless, but they are technically accountable.

Garland could also indict Thomas. :vince2:

I don’t think Clarence did anything illegal J6 related

Yeah I’m sure he had absolutely no idea what his psycho wife was up to.

Oh, my god.

Im so sorry

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RIP student loans. Soon to be killed by Major Questions doctrine

Soooo, indefinte pause that continues to chip away at time served and force any incoming rep pres to kill it?

Here’s hoping.

Ah yes, the old “does it raise John Roberts’ eyebrow?” legal test. If they get to 7-2 in a few years maybe they can rename it to the “fuck you, that’s why” doctrine.

Good one Sam

The audio really underscores how much this ‘joke’ was really a reflexive attempt to counter Jackson’s without thinking it through and when the lawyer immediately responds back with the correct answer and Sotomayor dogpiles that, Alito half heartedly attempted a joke and then hemmed and hawed. You can practically hear the steam coming out of his ears.

Conservatives are incapable of humor, part infinity. Also Alito is just plain dumb as rocks.

If the Moore verdict goes real bad, I predict red-state nutjobs will go from “relax libs, we’re not going to send our own slates of electors” to “it is our Constitutional right to send any electors we want” about as fast as they went from “relax libs, we will never punish a woman for getting an abortion” to “execute all the murderous sluts now”. I’m pretty cynical and I was shocked how fast that happened.


The establishment GOP two-step is well underway.

  1. Make fun of libs for worrying about an obviously anti-democratic outcome

  2. Work tirelessly to achieve that outcome then tell libs to get over it

The panicked reaction to Moore v. Harper is unconvincing. A legislature is the most democratic branch of government. How is it vital for democracy to let a state court rewrite a voting law passed by elected legislators? No matter the outcome in this case, there are federal guardrails, because state election laws must follow the U.S. Constitution and acts of Congress.

Hey assholes like 90% of congressional republicans just tried, 4 years ago, to do the exact thing you’re saying is impossible.