The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything


I do wonder if he can still pause.

This was always on shaky legal ground. I wish they had just passed relief legislatively.

Seriously America just needs to collectively not pay. Nothing would happen.

Would be great to finally get that sort of direct action.

I wonder if Wisconsin flips if this decision had dropped a week earlier.

Iā€™m still not convinced they (Biden Administration) actually wanted to give relief.

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Hopefully will be forced by sentiment to pause again if he still can and if this doesnā€™t get reversed. Would seem illogical that he could still pause if he canā€™t forgive, but illogical things do happen.

This is such a classic coordination problem. If one person doesnā€™t pay, the lender has the resources to chase them down and make an example of them. If 99% of people donā€™t pay, then the lender goes hat in hand to the government for a bailout.

If Iā€™m right and he doesnā€™t want to do it, the right strategy for him would be to attempt to pause again, and hope the courts strike that down too.

Iā€™m for the forgiveness, to be clear. In a world where itā€™s not happening anytime soon, Iā€™m also for winning elections to preserve democracy.

Astrology is more intellectually honest than LOL_LAW.

North Texas district court would strike down a executive order calling the sky blue if a Democrat did it.

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First headline said appeals court, lol district court not as bad.


If Trump got a court ruling he didnā€™t like he would draw it out as long as possible, then agree to stop to get the case dismissed without any ruling, then do it again in a slightly different way, repeat until the next election.

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@NotBruceZ might have some good unmentionable ideas about the Fed Society Gala

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An former abortion restrictionist leader wrote to the Supreme Court that people who dined with Judge Alito before the Hobby Lobby decision told him the day after dining with Alito that conservatives were going to win it. He has emails backing up that he knew about the decision before it was revealed. So most likely Alito is a serial leaker at the Supreme Court to conservatives


Have you taken a gander at the ā€œfuck you, noā€ clause yet though?

What good is democracy if a single judge can shut down democratically held and passed positions like loan forgiveness?

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Wtf. And also lol, ofc. Am I nuts to think this might have made a difference in election races?