The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

So what are the courts going to do when Harvard is like nearly all Asians?

Dont worry the over half of Harvard that gets in for sports, legacy, being rich, etc. still gets to do affirmative action for white people. The next generation of Kushner turds is obviously still getting in.

Colleges: Affirmative action allows us to correct an inherently unbalanced system.
SCOTUS: You can’t do that, that’s racial discrimination.
Colleges: OK, we’ll do a top 10% plan.
SCOTUS: But what about the inherently unbalanced system?

SCOTUS wants to say? They will say, and they will get away with it, and it will be the law of the land. And Democrats will say if you don’t like it, vote harder! And if you do vote harder, they won’t do a damn thing about it anyway.

Fixed that.



Very respectfully, gorgeous does not do her justice.



Arguably, it doesn’t matter if they retire if Dems lose in 2024.

Good way to keep choice in the news, too.

This is obviously correct but will never ever happen.

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women live longer than men. especially men in scalia’s orbit

Women live longer than men on average but there is no predictability on an individual level. At age 65 the standard deviation of an individual life expectancy is about 8 years vs a life expectancy of something like 21 to 23 years.

yeah i hear you, we should just remove any and all pillows from sotomayors house as a precaution.

And, no judgment, I think she’s pretty overweight

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Lotta people, including me, got 10k riding on this.

No legal standing for a judge to strike down a government budget

Tell it to the 5th Circuit.

Is the Judge going to send out the monthly bills himself?

Then borrowers get into a dangerous place in future administrations.