The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Dude that woman sat at the front of the bus. What more do you want?

True moderate revisionist history. The Civil War was fought so the Freedman’s Bureau would be forbidden to help the children of slaves. The US had one generation to right the wrongs since its founding, anything more would be ‘ancestry not merit’. That’s what the Union soldiers sang along with John Brown’s Body


I got into UF because I was a pretty good oboe player. My grades and test scores were good, but not good enough. My all-state oboe creds made the difference. I feel seen by the supreme court.


If they are allowed to use legacy to pick people like George W. Bush, can’t they just pick some other random metric like “parents income” to allow them to pick more minorities without it being based on race?

edit: Just found this article which is interesting. The author is claiming that affirmative action and legacy admissions are really just about getting as many rich kids into the school as possible.

These schools, and many like them, have managed to create racial diversity without much economic diversity.

Apparently, most of the students of color still come from the upper class.

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It’s true of elite private schools. It’s not true of the median school. The overall affect was to allow minorities to ‘bump up’ to a better school than what they might have otherwise gone to. This was grist for the ‘affirmative action makes minorities students feel bad because everyone knows that if they’re a minority they don’t deserve to be there’ idea, but the evidence supported that, actually, for most minorities students they did just as fine being bumped up, which would actually imply there was something holding them back that affirmative action was correcting for. Or that there’s not such a fine gradation that people can’t pinpoint exactly who belongs at what school.

In any case affirmative actions going to go away and while it helped its affects weren’t very large and theoretically be done the same or better through over avenues, like affirmative action based on income. Of course being forbidden from using race in admissions doesn’t mean they won’t be used implicitly either for positive or negative. It’s just the Supreme Court will be on the hunt for anything that lets African Americans get an ‘unfair’ advantage while they’ll be slow to act against admissions disadvantage them.

Whispers If/when schools use parental income in admissions decisions, they often use it to favor rich kids, not poor ones. As much as they talk about diversity, they also want kids who can pay full freight, whose parents will donate to the university, and they want their matriculation stats to look good for US News (i.e. you can’t accept too many kids who want to go to your school but then decide not to enroll once they see the financial aid package and the sticker shock sinks in).

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Alito, jfc

Wtf, I don’t even remember hearing about this prior

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Haven’t followed it and am not super familiar with the nuances of the scheme but a few friends of mine of Asian descent who are reasonably plugged in really hate AA. Something about a personality test?

Asian Americans are overrepresented in colleges, AA works against them.

What Iron said. It’s a common sentiment.

Ah ok I had assumed these people (the people I know personally, not Asians in general) had a bit of an ideological bent in being against it (they’re fairly conservative)

The way AA is done is particularly shitty for certain under performing Asian nationalities. Laotians or Cambodians who came here as refugees for example, under perform, yet get lumped in with all other Asian groups who over perform.

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Supreme Courts don’t make the law, they only interprete the law.

Also a justice once wished that a program would only last 25 years or so, so the sunset on the program is now 25 years exactly.

Actually, the opinion is from 2003, so I’m sure they’ll let affirmative action continue for a few more years…

We solved racism 5 years ahead of schedule


I’m not even sure why conservatives would fight affirmative action at this point. They’re close to establishing the myth that white Christian conservatives are the most oppressed group in America, from there they can argue that they have no choice but to hire and promote more white Christian conservatives because of affirmative action.

They’re were already angling that direction in the affirmative action case with the suggestion that the Courts are going to be extra vigilant about universities that seem to allow more black people than they should be doing.

I’m not sure the Courts will be explicit about having to promote white Christians, that’ll be more for the political side of the conservative movement to hammer with as it’s a good political rallying cry to consolidate the white vote. The Courts will just be the blocker preventing anyone else from getting a legal leg up.