The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

If you contemplate some horrible outcome and the only reason you can come up with for why it won’t happen is “it hasn’t happened before” or “Republicans wouldn’t do that” try again.

So what are the worst things that republicans are going to so when they get full power? They didn’t do very much when Trump had full control of both houses.

Wtf. Seriously wtf. This is the most insane post I have ever read.

cause a debt ceiling default unless joe lets them gut social security and medicare

Let’s not forget the small matter of ending US democracy.

why didn’t they do that in 2016?

Perhaps because a suicide bomber doesn’t blow up his own house.

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They tried, but they ran into too many principled Secretaries of State. Those people have been purged now.


One thing to consider is that Speaker of the House MGT might take a slightly different approach to policy and priorities than Paul Ryan did.

Not to mention Trump won’t make the same mistake as last time and at least occasionally try to seem reasonable here and there. It will be full blown vengeance this time.

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Also you think AG Bill Barr was bad? Let me introduce you to AG Lin Wood. And on and on for every appointment.


I’m so excited for them to impeach Biden for high gas prices and then being a pedo and then being a communist.

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Just wait until Clarence does the shadow docket ruling that Biden can be executed with 51 senate votes for all that. Chessmate libtard!

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Can’t appear to be biased, that would undermine the legitimacy of the Supreme Court.

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Your reminder that Alito is a hack, desperate to own the libs.

“You have to concede that if it provides one of many, then in some cases it will be determinative,” Chief Justice John Roberts said.

“I do, I do concede that,” Mr. Waxman said.

“OK, so we’re talking about race as a determining factor in admission to Harvard,” Chief Justice Roberts said.

Mr. Waxman replied: “Race, for some highly qualified applicants, can be the determining factor, just as being the, you know, an oboe player in a year in which the Harvard-Radcliffe orchestra needs an oboe player will be the tip.”

“Yep, but we did not fight a civil war about oboe players,” Chief Justice Roberts said. “We did fight a civil war to eliminate racial discrimination, and that’s why it’s a matter of considerable concern.”

Oh fuck you. Jesus Christ this fucking guy.

“We did fight a civil war to eliminate racial discrimination

We did? When?



And the crazy thing is, in modern day USA#1 Robert’s just ticked off a bunch of “Conservatives” simply by acknowledging that the Civil War was about slavery and not “States Rights”

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