The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Yeah but the proper way is to skillfully work in how well traveled you are into any and every conversation you have, not do it via t-shirt

I was just dunking on rural American diners, not actually praising the shirt lolā€¦

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While also pointing out how not well travelled the person you are talking to is. That is the mark of a true worldly gentleman.

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Yea, the more I think about it, it basically has to be worn ironically, right?!

The first rule of thinking about this t-shirt is donā€™t think about this t-shirt.

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I canā€™t! It consumes me :flushed:

If I ever see someone in that t-shirt Iā€™m going to assume itā€™s you.


Sounds like youā€™re pretty owned and the only way to stop the ads and the voices in your head from ruining your life is to buy one of those shirts.


Ha, I really have no choice do I?


The real problem here is then heā€™d get 10x as many ads from them.

I more or less have my brain trained to ignore all ads on the internet. The paid or promoted tweets on Twitter is getting by that brain defense though.

By ignore I mean completely donā€™t pay any attention into what the ad was or where it was on a page.


Will the affirmative action stuff result in schools doing away with legacy admissions?

Lol, no. Thatā€™s freedom of speech! Or maybe getting rid of it violates the second amendment. Either way Iā€™m confident legacy admissions will be just fine.

Well Iā€™m sure Sam et al will change their opinions forthwith.

Letā€™s see how she votes before we crown her. The only consistently reliable liberal justice in recent memory is Sotomayor.

FB is only useful if you have the Social Fixer extension installed. Otherwise itā€™s a goddamn cesspool.

No idea how people tolerate TikTok.

On TikTok I get lots of kittens, puppies, and thirst traps. And stand up comedy. Itā€™s super entertaining and highly addictive.

lol at claiming the Framers intended to write a ā€œrace-blindā€ constitution. How Harvard-pilled do you have to be to write complete nonsense like that, any third grader could tell you why thatā€™s dumb.

I recall being taught this about the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments inā€¦I dunno, whatever grade we first learned about American History? That they were specifically written to free the slaves and grant them equal rights.

Should have a new game show called ā€œare you smarter than a conservative supreme court justice?ā€

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