The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Dear Lord,

We bought all this stuff, so thanks for nothing.


If she makes really strong arguments, I am sure that there is a good chance that she will swing a couple of conservative justices our way. Back to reality… this is all just self indulgence. The supreme court is a political body and there are 6 republicans on it and only 3 democrats.

I think you have missed the point.

What point did I miss?

Nobody thinks that. The thesis is that she is aware that this is impossible because

That’s why she is writing her opinions for the next generation just like Scalia did:

The next generation of supreme court justices will be determined by congress. She can convince 99.99% of the future judges to agree with her and the republicans will appoint someone from the .01%.

The point is not changing minds. The point is using the power more effectively when they have it again. That comes from bold dissents that stake out desirable goals instead of nit picking flaws.



Ginni can’t get her hand up his back in court.

Yeah but nobody studies or remembers questions they ask during arguments, they do read their batshit opinions though. Him and Scalia really crushed it laying the groundwork for what we have today.

IIRC, Thomas was a question asking machine during COVID because they were virtual and took turns and because of seniority, he went before nearly everyone else.

2nd Circuit will likely reverse.


Sure, sure, they probably will. And then the Supreme Court will: ____________

Winning a logic game by defeating them using their own supposed ideology is fine, I guess, but far better would be just calling out the Calvinball. “This decision is nothing more than the conservatives continuing to utilize this Court to achieve policy goals they are unable to enact legislatively.” That’s it. Getting in the weeds legitimizes the illegitimate.


As always the problem is that the two parties in this country aren’t even playing the same game. The GOP doesn’t care how shameless they are. They gain power by any means neccesary and then wield that power to accomplish their objectives. Meanwhile the Dems spend all their time pointing out that the GOP is doing this as if it just pointing out how unethical they are being is the actual solution.

Completely letting the judicial branch of our government turn into a political tool is just the first important domino to fall. Next will be sham elections and from there who knows where this ends up. And it’s all because the Dems have spent decades either not understanding the game they are in or refusing to play it out of principle or cowardice.

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come on, this is by far the easiest part to figure out

In the short run maybe. I’m not so sure where this ends up in say 50 or 100 years.

Did Dems let the judicial branch be turned into a political tool or were Republicans just the first to recognize the reality that the judicial branch has always been a political tool?

Fair enough. Now it should be beyond obvious to them though right? They literally have the power TODAY to do something about it by expanding the court and they still won’t do anything about it. Most of them aren’t even for it. Instead they will let women suffer. It’s cowardly at best.

I think by this point, most Dems in Congress would vote to expand the Supreme Court, but there are enough votes against it that are impossible to sway so, practically speaking, Dems do not have the power to do it.

Court packing is the domestic political equivalent of dropping a nuclear bomb. Democrats would only have the ability to enforce party loyalty sufficiently to get a court expansion bill passed only if the party was also capable of enforcing party loyalty sufficiently to get 50 non-Republican votes in the Senate to approve using nukes.