The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Looks like I’m going to be suing a lot of you fuckers every Friday.


I would be happy if the Supreme Court just passed a law that forced YouTube to actually recognize and act on my Not Interested and Don’t Recommend Channel clicks. I am on approximately year 5 of having YouTube relentlessly shove Jordan Peterson recommendations in my face while I’m trying to watch hockey highlights and cooking tip videos. HEY YOUTUBE JUST BECAUSE YOUR ALGORITHM CAN ACCURATELY DETECT THAT I AM A WHITE MAN AND THAT I AM KIND OF AN ASSHOLE DOESN’T MEAN THAT I WANT TO WATCH A FASCIST LOSER.


I don’t think section 230 is in risk of being struck down. The case is over whether section 230 protects content recommendations such as those made by Youtube’s algorithm.

This has an obvious application as to whether or not social media sites can ever be found to have liability for promoting right-wing hate content that possibly leads to violence.

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I guess I find it the most annoying that, if you take a step back, the Supreme Court is obviously legislating here under the guise of constitutionality. The Republican infotainment base chafes at the 230 rules so the Supreme Court and the lower courts are inventing all kinds of ideas to try and change those protections without Congressional input, all the while saying the Executive is being tyrannical for implementing rules without explicit clear guidance by Congress.

I watched one of those videos about people that live in a van. Now all I get recommended are videos of people who live in vans.


They’re more likely to rule that YouTube has to preroll a Jordan Peterson video with no skip button for every Rangers highlight you watch since New York is liberal, thus your highlights are radical leftist indoctrination. God forbid you watch any interviews of Zibanejad!

Mika is from Sweden! THAT’S SOCIALISM!


The irony is the algos are probably helping them 10x more than any content moderation is hurting them.

But also the valuations on all of these social media companies are going in the shitter if they can’t use those algorithms. That’s what makes them addictive.

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I have to look at this every time I go on Facebook. Literally the douchiest line of clothes I have ever seen in my life.

Facebook also loves giving me all the Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro stuff as well, ugh.

Yes you look like you fly economy you smug brokeass looking piece of shit! Ahhghhggh. I need to nuke FB.

At least the algorithm has correctly identified you’re a traveler!

I just popped over to Twitter and saw this response to an ad in my feed:

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the former president of iran is a swedish socialist?

I mean, there are posters on this very forum who think the gold standard of civilized and worldly is measured by how many countries you’ve visited, so I’m guessing this shirt is targeted at them.


I’ve seen a bunch of the weird AI made ones in the public on olds.

Even if you’re wearing it ironically you still run the risk of getting punched in the face by a stranger

I mean if you wear that shirt on the left into the average American diner, you could just be saying you visited Argentina or Belgium or something.

How many countries does the average American know of? US, Canada, Mexico, UK, France, Germany, Russia, and China?

And they only know the UK from Revolutionary War movies, France and Germany from WW2 movies, Russia from Cold War movies, and China cause everything is made there.

They might also get Italy because of Olive Garden.

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Hey man, this is America. I think you meant, shot in the face by a patriot.


He’s a damned fantastic power play shooter as well, apparently.