The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

in 1990’s ohio, if the one coach caught you not saying the lord’s prayer with everyone else after practice, you had to run afterwards.

Do they force everyone to do that? Coz stuff like this happens in rugby in NZ/Aus constantly - usually members of both teams involved (it’s usually the players of pasifika descent who are very Christian by and large). Not forced of course.

In Little League they made my kids recite this, which always made me uncomfortable:

I trust in God
I love my country
And will respect its laws
I will play fair
And strive to win
But win or lose
I will always do my best

And of course there’s nothing like witnessing 500 elementary school kids doing the Pledge of Allegiance. Gives me chills.

Imagine if you saw them doing to back in the days of the Bellamy salute.



I dunno. I just try to imagine the outrage if a Muslim coach did this and that usually let’s me know if the Christian version is acceptable or not.

Yea I also had a HS football coach that would lead the entire team in the Lord’s Prayer before and after every game, mid-late 2000s. And this was in Maryland, not like it was the deep south or something. My family went to church regularly so I just shrugged it off as standard at the time.

It feels hopeless and pointless to think much about this, we all know what’s going to happen. Any other outcome would be a miracle.

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Well batting 0.500 on perception vs reality.

Well at least the article gets it right. It won’t matter.

Nothing to see here, move along.

Unreported: he crossed out “none” and wrote in “fuck you”


Federal judges are bound by law to disclose the source of spousal income, according to Stephen Gillers, a professor at NYU School of Law. Thomas’ omission — which could be interpreted as a violation of that law — could lead to some form of penalty, Gillers said.

Sounds serious!


lol right? let me look up who’s in charge of interpreting the law… ah well, nevertheless



I’ve been intentionally ignoring any Ginni Thomas news. Over what period of time was she paid $700K by the Heritage Foundation?

The Supreme Court literally does not have a code of ethics. Zero will happen from those egregious omissions. Nevertheless

edit: Ginni got paid that $ from 2003-2007

If they strike down section 230 completely what… even happens? Obviously these companies aren’t going to just up and shut down but that’s more or less what can happen if thousands of lawsuits can be filed against them because the content someone else posted was “bad”. I got nothing.

If they strike down 230 then there will be some interesting liability issues with Unstuck Politics as well.

I agree, but it’s a little more nuanced than that.

The lawsuit targets YouTube’s use of algorithms to suggest videos for users based on content they have previously viewed. YouTube’s active role goes beyond the kind of conduct that Congress intended to protect with Section 230, the family’s lawyers allege.

It’s not just that somebody posted something bad, it’s that YouTube then said “hey, check out this video!”