The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Hah. I just put this in the insurrection thread.

Man, 7 new posts ITT was a bit scary. Not enough to be a death or some significant ruling, but more than usual, so like a 99% chance something low key very bad happened… But it’s just RBG auctions and Nate Silver being a moron. Phew!


Well the pregnant Texas lady just may get out of that HOV lane ticket…

She already got it dismissed. Then she got another one.

If this is accurate this will change a bunch of votes and motivate women to go to the polls:


100% accurate

Still not convinced that this will have any meaningful effect in November. Really hope I’m wrong.


If the democrats even just manage to hold the Senate it will absolutely have been because of Roe.


This guy has a net positive approval rating among democrats

That’s a stunning movement of the Overton window. Roberts was the 3rd most conservative member of the Supreme Court when he took the bench.

Roberts is a RADICAL SOCIALIST now. It is known.

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I think plenty of Democrats just hear “John Roberts, Supreme Court” and that’s literally all they know about him. “Sounds good” they say and that’s about how deep the avg American dives into the current political landscape.

Returning to the question of restraining the lawless Supreme Court, it turns out this is a classic wedge opportunity for Democrats. The Data for Progress poll finds 34 percent of Republicans support reining in the Court’s power, while just 13 percent of Democrats have the opposite view. And one doesn’t need to endorse adding more justices to the Court or ending judicial review to address this problem. The Constitution stipulates that the “Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make,” thus indicating that Congress can limit its jurisdiction. It has done so many times before—including, remarkably enough, in the Inflation Reduction Act, which says “There shall be no administrative or judicial review” of some of the drug price control measures included in the bill.

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Should probably note that removing abortion from jurisdiction has the exact same effect as Dobbs

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Such a sad game we’re playing.

Dems are going to limit like the Voting Rights Act 2.0 to protect it from spurious bad faith objections by conservatives.

Republicans are going to use this to shield blatantly unconstitutional fuckery from review.

There just isn’t a solution to this playing under the rules of the game. These increasingly desperate attempts to hold everything together under some semblance of law and order are just going to make that more obvious.

Which SCOTUS will strike down as unconstitutional 6-3.

SCOTUS will uphold this shield 5-4.

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It’s absolutely insane and if it took effect those companies would just cease being accessed in those states.