The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything


Fantasy time

Gorsy, Kav, and ACB get removed somehow. Sam and Clarence are sucking hind tit on 2-7 or 3-6 for the rest of their miserable lives.


musk offers them one-way tickets to mars

The rapture?

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Enough time has passed now that Wray is admitting the entire FBI “investigation” into Kavanaugh that was obviously bullshit at the time was, in fact, bullshit. Total bullshit.

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I know in the past I thought justice would be Alito and Thomas back in the minority. Actually seeing Kav AcB and Gorsy in the minority for 30 years would be chef’s kiss justice.

Good lord. Found out my sister that lost her 18 month old on thanksgiving last year is pregnant again. In florida. her first two pregnancies were high risk. I simply asked her to please be careful and research her options if things went really bad, and she fucking got defensive as shit like I was trying to start some political debate.

“sorry, but it is legal in medical emergency in many states including this one.”

tried and failed to tell her just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it’s promptly available, and that this could easily change going forward, but oh well, whatever, GUESS WE’LL ROLL THE DICE WON’T WE

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That sort of approach is going to make her feel defensive because you start off by basically telling her you assume she didn’t do any research.

she gets a 24/7 fox news feed, of course she didn’t

This was an A+ episode for exposing Thomas as a complete hack.

Dissenting opinions have no legal power or precedence.

Like most dissenting opinions, they will be forgotten by 99.99% of people.


Alito is full blown crazy town.

Apparently a previous auction drew higher bids than anticipated, but still, $3-5k estimate seems like … shockingly low?

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Ironically the NFTs of the collars sold for $300,000 each.


Now way the deplorable five care. Alito has made that very clear.

And lol Robert’s reigning in the other five.

Nate Silver is legitimately a fucking moron.


Lock her up

They can solve this with Moore.