The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

If you live in a blue state it is far more important to show up for the primary than the general. Low primary turnout is what the fossils bank on and how we’re still stuck with people like Diane Feinstein.


Ok. So the progressives running for city council and county supervisor won’t get your vote, either. Then they will quit politics, once again leaving it to the GOP or the eDems. Good plan.


People don’t come around to your way of thinking because you generally come across as an uncaring sociopath.

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This discussion is really just a proxy for accelerationism, no? I think we can agree that prolonging
full on theocratic fascism involves blocking Republicans from power whenever and wherever possible. In our current political system this means supporting Democrats. However if you are just ready to get to the thing that comes after the fascism then you can just check out. I’m sympathetic to this, but I don’t think that accelerationism has had a good track record.

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As long as there is any hope of reform via the current system, accelerationism is indefensible. Once the fascists take over they won’t relinquish it without hundreds of thousands, probably millions dead. Not to mention all the very real interim suffering.

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Your general point is fine, but with CA’s jungle primary, DiFi’s general opponent was a progressive Dem.

I think accelerationism in terms of accelerating the rise of fascism in the US is a bad idea, but under the assumption that Republicans are going to win total control of Congress this election (which can be debated, but let’s assume) I think there’s a case to be made for trying to accelerate a crisis in the Democratic Party. Dumping seats to the GOP in the Senate might be bad because it could make it harder to win back in 2024, but trying to engineer as devastating a loss as possible in the House seems like all upside. I’m under no illusions this will lead to AOC 2024, but it might enable someone like Pritzker to clean house internally. It’s hard to imagine how eDem leadership could possibly be any worse.


Thinking about politics is still fun for me.

keep voting democrat but also primary everyone from left. tea party strategy. need to be more willing to punch republicans in the face.


Keep voting against Republicans in the general elections by voting for the most viable non-Republican. Hate Republicans more than anyone else. Other than that, do as you wish.


Yeah, but if enough people do it then the Party apparatchiks will have to cater to their demands. Just as they’ve always done to constituencies that don’t vote, they’ll listen to them.

It will mostly be because grocery bills and gas prices went up. That’s the only way the uninformed keep score.

But maybe it could work for us.

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This is the correct response

Salon isn’t a serious outlet. It’s like gateway pundit that leans left. Hell, it was on the Amanda Knox is guilty train. I think it’s mainly freelance contributors with limited editorial supervision.

(meant to respond to Suzzers post, not yours.)


Fucccck that. I’m not supporting most of these corporate fossils because they are going to do exactly zero to stop a facist takeover.

My plan is to not vote for President in 2024 but otherwise vote normally. Dems need to lose bad, clean house and come back with a progressive slate. No? I wont vote in 2028. … I think this is the way forward right now. Cede the presidency in 2024 to send a message to establishment Dems.