The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

The deaths of the four girls at the 16th Street Baptist Church is credited with helping passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Everything is political. Politicize everything.

Someone needs to do the two button meme with

  1. Patient dies of pregnancy and I get sued for that
  2. I get wrongly prosecuted/convicted because idiot prosecutor/jury didnā€™t think the risk of death was high enough when I decided to terminate.

yeah hereā€™s the problem, though, the prosecutors in these states donā€™t really give a fuck what YOU think

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LOL, fuck you has gone undefeated for 6 straight seasons and the words ā€œability to exploitā€ have no business showing up in the same sentence as the the word ā€œDemocratsā€ (unless the word ā€œnoā€ is included in there somewhere). But even if they have the ability to exploit they wonā€™t use it. That would mean encouraging people to do things that negatively impact the quality of life of Brett, Amy, Mitch, et al. Donā€™t see that happening.

Iā€™m arguing that Democrats have the opportunity to exploit and should use it and should have the mindset of thinking in those terms. I agree that they donā€™t seem to show this capacity and I lament that even their critics in this thread donā€™t seem to be on board with my way of thinking. Itā€™s like yā€™all learned nothing from playing poker.

Iā€™m all for milkshaking, police precinct takeovers, and sit-ins on the front lawns of repugnant assholes, but those responses cement their status as victims and they get to point at the violence, property damage, and inconvenience to justify their own shittiness. How do you break the cycle? Convince them of their shittiness? GLWT.

If people die because of Republican policies, then yes Democrats should ruthlessly campaign on that.

Where youā€™re getting pushback is that your tone makes it seem like youā€™re rooting for people to die horribly so that this can happen.

I just assume it will happen and Iā€™m not going to waste energy crying over the inevitable. Iā€™m not rooting for people to die, but I am advocating callously thinking about strategy in a completely unemotional way and seeking to maximize good over the long run instead of thinking about short-term suffering.

You canā€™t break them out of their martyr complexes. If you want to fret about making conservatives mad, then you can join the iron81 caucus.

You donā€™t change their minds. You increase polarization by getting your side to hate their side more than they hate you and smashing them. In elections, outside of elections, donā€™t care which. Just smash them.

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Id really like to see some polling data on how well a handsome celeb does. They have to be the best shot at capturing the ā€œI donā€™t vote crowdā€. Like all you needed all these years was George Clooney to run for a super majority.

I guess weā€™ll see.

Iā€™m not expecting a lot of prosecutions.

Well here we go.

I voted for Bernie in the primary. It sucks that he lost. But Iā€™m not going to throw a temper tantrum and help usher in fascism in the hopes that something better comes out the other side.

Support progressive candidates for sure. But if your candidate doesnā€™t win because the rest of the damn country isnā€™t ready yet, donā€™t throw a temper tantrum. At least vote. This attitude of ā€œIā€™m never going to vote againā€ is really toxic imo. Like literally there couldnā€™t be a bigger gift to republicans.

And Iā€™ll be muting this thread for a few days. I just wanted to get that off my chest.


ā€¦wrote a long reply and deleted it. Now I canā€™t get rid of it.

the thing about these articles/columns is that theyā€™re not going to move the needle either way. The people who are actually reading them know whatā€™s up.

there are shittons of casual voters, though, who are going to look at what Joe and Co have done these last two years and just fucking stay home. It wonā€™t be because some fucking egghead nerd wrote a frowny letter in slate, it will be because the fucking democrats got the white house and both houses of congress and didnā€™t do fucking shit with it.

the handwringing is itself a symptom of the fucking problem! theyā€™re more worried about maintaining appearances than helping their voters!


Those people would have died anyway. Did they die from Republican policies or with Republican policies?

I think its probably not a good idea to run on bad things that happened to other abstract people. Americans are fundamentally selfish. They wonā€™t really care about what happened to strangers.

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Question for the law bros:

Is the issue that is going before the SC in this election case the same one that would basically allow the The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact plan to work (not that it has a chance in hell of coming to fruition anytime soon)?

Nah Iā€™m done with this shit. I vote in every election. Iā€™ve never voted for a Republican. And still have to hear this nonsense all the time. Joe Biden got more votes than any presidential candidate ever. He should try acting like it. Democrats have won 6/8 presidential elections since 1992. People showing up to vote for President isnā€™t the problem.

I think some people have never gotten over the fact that the ā€œprogressiveā€ (lol) candidate beat Hillary in 2008 and was the most popular President of our lifetimes. Itā€™s funny that PUMAs like Amy Siskind - who genuinely worked to throw the election in 2008 - are in the good graces of the crowd who loves to call out privileged Bernie bros.

Iā€™m sitting my privileged ass at home from now on.


Iā€™m not disagreeing with a whole lot of this, but your tone sometimes comes off as giddy (rather than ā€œunemotionalā€) at the prospects of thinking this way.


Donā€™t sit out just donā€™t vote any race with eDems. You can still vote progressives down ticket.


Your characterization as a temper tantrum is nonsense.