The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

“It’s incredibly complicated, I get it,” Bash pressed. “But i guess my question is, given how heartbroken you seem to be about the situation, maybe the question is this, because what I keep thinking about is, how is a 10-year-old girl physically, probably can’t even carry a baby without being, never mind emotionally and physically tormented, but physically hurt. Would you consider that mother’s life at risk?”

“That’s something in that situation the doctor, the family, the individuals closest to that will make the decision for that family,” she replied.

Huh. About 7:40 of the video embedded.

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Everything is personal choice but also fuck you I don’t like it when you do that so I’m calling the cops. American conservatism in a nutshell.

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She forgot to say between her parents her doctor her clergy AND the local prosecutor.

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That’s pretty standard outside of like speaking in tongues level Midwest/South people.

I think ~every state has an exception for the life of the Mother, so not surprised to hear Noem’s response given this case’s unique facts.

ETA: in fact, looking through even southern and very conservative states, it seems like a vast majority protect abortion even after reversal for the first 15-25 weeks, and still have exceptions for life of the Mother or viability of fetus after that. As Pete said in his clip, late term abortions are exceedingly rare and almost always are the result of a situation (life of the Mother/viability of fetus) that almost never happens.

But in ~every state that has “life of the mother” exceptions, there isn’t a clear definition for what that is, so the doctors feel compelled to wait until the point that these women are on the brink of death, because anything short of that may not qualify.

I would love to hear from some doctors on this point. I would think having an ectopic pregnancy would immediately trigger high risk to life of the Mother.

ETA: also it’s not just “life of the mother” in many right wing states. It’s also “viability of fetus” after the 15ish week period. If the baby is dead inside Mother, iow, then abortion is permitted in like Kentucky and Louisiana etc.

I think I posted this already, or at least I’ve posted other material on the subject:

Everything I’ve read about the life stuff is people covering their asses because they’re, reasonably imo, concerned about the severe consequences if the state turns against them. There’s lots of gray areas in medicine. Ectopic pregnancies can be treated with everything from some medication and a quick discharge to emergency surgery and massive transfusions.


My experience indicates that medication is tried first, and if it doesn’t work, then emergency surgery is de rigueur.

Depends. There’s many situations where you don’t try meds and just go to surgery.

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I cannot imagine that:

But patients like Houshmand happen all the time, she said. “Maybe it’s a 30 or 50 percent chance that someone might die. And they might not die immediately. Maybe it would be in the next week or month, or even year or beyond.”

wouldn’t create a legal exception for life of the Mother. That’s like saying a double loaded Russian Roulette gun isn’t a risk to life.

ETA: also sounds like the woman in the story got screwed by really dumb doctors:

Maryland’s “life of the mother” exception to its ban on post-viability abortions specifically allows doctors to use their best medical judgment

FWIW “sane” Republican and human rights champion Marco Rubio made it clear in one of the 2016 debates that no exceptions means no exceptions.

Little Marco had to appear “tough” and, you may want to sit down for this, candidates lie in debates.

Ok and he was never going to be president anyway etc etc etc

Doesn’t change the fact that it’s not at all an extreme position to hold within the GOP.

I would predict every state will have “life of mother” exceptions, but it’s not going to be on the honor code. I personally would love it to have a bunch of lawyers or judges deciding whether the risk to my life or that of a loved one is sufficient before a basic medical procedure can legally be performed.

My wife had a pregnancy that went bad and I can’t imagine her having to wait to make well and truly sure that her life was potentially on the line.


Can’t argue with this. Medical malpractice needs to be significantly reformed in order for doctors to actually practice medicine in this area without fear of reprisal. Of course, if some doctor fails to intervene and a pregnant woman dies, the doctor should be slow-walked off a cliff. The presumption should be intervention.

I don’t share your relative optimism. People feel threatened in these states, and yeah things will improve maybe once there’s clarification on a few things, but someone is going to die because of this eventually.

Also, all it takes is one fuckass of a prosecutor to make everyone’s life hell.

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Having a body count maximizes Democrats’ ability to exploit this politically.

Guns, though.

Oh yeah, I’m sure the deaths of children have resulted in big wins for democrats in other areas right?

Such annoying edge lording bullshit.