The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

What was the turnout in his Ohio race compared to Presidential turnout?

When he ran for president in 2020, he opposed getting rid of the filibuster, but he has his finger in the wind and changed his tune for his Senate run.

Polls have him competitive and sometimes leading and he has a horrible opponent.

Just pick a celebrity and roll the dice. Rustin Cohle works for me.

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I’m not a huge Nate Silver guy but he’s got JD as a 90% favorite which sounds about right for lol Ohio. Even in the polls where Ryan’s ahead it’s like 44-41 and that’s a high hill to climb to get to 50 in that state.

If you are a slate plus subscriber the extra content in this week Amicus will send shivers down your spin when they talk about the major election case SCOTUS took up for next term. Legit, no hyperbole, end of US democracy.

Yeah that article has been posted itt. We’re all freaked out about it.



This has been on the radar since 2020. They’re for sure going to try it. If SCOTUS allows it, that’s a wrap.

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Basically the Constitution says the legislatures can decide how to award their electoral votes, and you have several states with badly gerrymandered legislatures that favor the GOP (including PA, MI, WI), so they can just lock up the result by switching to a process where the legislature decides.

In the most extreme doomsday scenario, yes. Fortunately, very few people who wield power want to stop having elections for President.

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Well it seems like this is going to leave that decision to those very few people.


Yeah thankfully it’s only the Republicans who control the legislatures in three or four swing states, plus possibly six Supreme Court justices. So fortunately it’s not going to be a big deal. Like the outcomes in PA, MI, and WI don’t really matter, right iron?

Of the 9 closest states in 2020, 8 of them have Republican legislatures.

According to amicus it’s worse than that. The theory the right has is state legislatures have total unchecked authority with respect to all things about elections. State constitutions and the feds can’t provide any checks or balances. No more stopping gerrymandering, selective voter suppression, right up to legislatures simply substituting their choice over the electorate in the electoral college.

Yeah I mean the end result is horrible either way, not much daylight between the two, right?

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Arizona and Georgia, no?

Here’s the map of state legislatures.


The closest states in 2020 were (in order):

Only Nevada has a Democratic legislature.

Extending it even further you have MN (split), NH (R), OH (R), IA (R), ME (D)

That’s 14 states where Biden won or lost by less than 10%. 11 of them have Republican legislatures.

It’s difficult to overstate who much of a disaster this Supreme Court case could be.


Is this the podcast Dobbs is the beginning not the end. ?

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Idk if you guys saw this.

They got 3,000 out in Melbourne. Not even I am as online and America-brained as that.

Here in SA we are only actually getting a right to abortion this month sometime. Kind of a technicality though. Previously abortion was only provided upon demonstration of risk to the physical or mental health of the mother, which involved going to a doctor and being like “my mental health sure would suffer if I had to have this goddamn baby” and them being like “ok” and signing a form.

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