The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything


does not compute

Oh, i guess if youā€™re a cynic who cannot believe that someone actually means what they say, then sure.


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The one concern I have about Pete as President (which is obviously a major issue with the current occupant as well) is whether he has the gumption to tell everyone to take a hike and do things his way. I seem to recall him caving to a degree to all the unwarranted criticism of his handling of the police in South Bend.

I think we call all rest easy knowing GOPete will never be President for a variety of reasons.

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The only major strike against his electability in the last cycle was his relative lack of experience, which time will cure.

Most of the reasons are that thereā€™s a good chance this next election will be the last real one we have for a long while, but I also think heā€™d have trouble winning a D primary anytime soon, let alone a general. He may have done the dirty work for the establishment and Iā€™m sure heā€™s probably on good terms with a lot of them, but itā€™s nowhere close to being his turn to win their blessing and heā€™s not going anywhere without it given how many progressives he alienated with his antics last time around.

As to your first point, I think he benefits from what is a particularly weak Democratic bench. Harris is his most significant competition, and he comes off much more Presidential than she IMO. Also, I could see the Democrats falling in love, as theyā€™re wont to do, with a young, fresh face after Biden; Pete benefits from that juxtaposition.

Alienating progressives didnā€™t hurt Hillary or Joe in securing their nominations. Pete will say all the right things, and people will vote for the winner (that Clyburn or whoever selects), so the progressive bloc just isnā€™t as important as it thinks it is. Also, he has personal bona fides given his sexual orientation that make him more authentically progressive than many of his shrill detractors.

Then whatā€™s the point in discussing who has more or less of a chance. Nobody does under this nihilistic view.

Look what you made us do!


No. Fuck this.

If only Democrats had sought mandatory background checks for abortion seekers.

Itā€™s fun to talk about hypotheticals even if weā€™re hopelessly fucked. I donā€™t think alienating progressives is a huge problem since as you pointed out they donā€™t have much sway, but if you have and youā€™re also not the establishment pick then you donā€™t have any kind of a path forward. I agree they have a shallow bench but I think heā€™s going to suffer from being behind Harris and also some D governors might jump in and take away some of his thunder too. I could see Pritzker or maybe someone like Roy Cooper making some noise.

Hoo boy

What do the 6th fascists have planned next for elections?

Tweet is gone now.

I think this is the governorsā€™ cycle right now, seems like limited options on the bench elsewhere. I donā€™t think Harris can maintain a lead in the polls if she runs and Biden doesnā€™t, also sheā€™s not going to run if Biden does in all likelihood. She wasnā€™t exactly a front runner last time, but she was a prominent contender and just faded to the background fairly quickly.

Sherrod Brown is a name in the Senate that would be interesting, but he dipped his toe in last time and backed out almost immediately which made me think there was something in his past that came up on vetting that he couldnā€™t hide.

If Tim Ryan wins, I can see him using the ability to in Ohio as an argument that he can win over more conservative voters in purple states.

Yup, and I donā€™t think heā€™d be a terrible primary candidate. Iā€™d have an open mind on him, Iā€™m not sure off the top of my head what his position is on single payer, but Iā€™m also willing to put that type of purity test way on the backburner at the moment and be more interested in where he stands on nuking the filibuster and packing the court.

But I think thereā€™s validity to considering Dems who can win purple states, especially in the rust belt.

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what are we considering a win for Tim Ryan in this case? losing by 5 or less? heā€™s certainly not getting 50% + 1 in lol Ohio.