The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Do we need a super majority to pack the courts?

Nope. We’d need to nuke the filibuster, but then simple majorities in the House and Senate and a presidential signature and we can make the courts as big as we damn well please. We won’t, but we could.

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We need new senators.

I can’t imagine “packing the courts” currently has a majority even among Democratic senators.

2028 goal then.

This is so good

yeah i like these guys

Is churches paying no taxes in the constitution? Because I don’t think it is and that’s some serious bullshit.

“Make no law respecting the establishment of religion?” A law saying you don’t have to pay taxes if you believe in a fantasy man in the sky seems like a pretty blatant violation.


I think that’s interpreted as prohibiting the state from establishing any particular religion. So if that tax break benefits all religion it doesn’t run afoul of the establishment clause.

Right but it pretty clearly favors religion generally which is a plain reading violation of the text.

Isn’t it the same law that applies to any non profit organization, religious or not?

Textualist like Scalia are all selective in their application. It another right wing grift.


Are all churches non profit organizations? Many of these megachurch operations or prosperity gospel grifters appear to very much for profit.

I’m pretty sure they do all the necessary maneuvers to maintain their non-profit status. So, despite their appearances, they are technically non profit organizations.

Not 100% sure, but at least 98%.

The heads of non profits can make mid to high 6 figure salaries.

They can justify it by saying that it’s in line with private sector organizations that have similar sized bugets, or not even bother justifying.

Does that salary have to be in any relation to the revenue of the organization? If the head of a non-profit pays himself 90%+ of the revenue is that legal?

IDK what the limits are.

I’ve known ones that make $400k+, and the way they spoke about it, it seemed that they didn’t feel like they’d maxed out their earning potential. And they knew of others that made more than them.

I have no problem with somebody making $400k as the head of an organization with a $50M budget. If the budget is only $500k though that should be criminal.

I’m pretty sure there are rules along these lines, but even within the guidelines, CEOs and upper management of large non-profits can make a lot of money. Their salaries can be in line with for-profit orgs of similar size.

The relevant SCOTUS case is Walz v. Tax Commission of the City of New York.

To be clear, there is nothing in the Constitution that exempts churches from paying taxes, but the decision says the First Amendment does not prevent government from choosing to exempt churches. What would definitely not be allowed is excluding churches from tax exemptions offered to other non-profit organizations.

Fuck you guys. It’s Friday night. Stop posting in this thread.