The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Selfishness + Stupidity. There is no other explanation. The same is true of Scalia, actually. No surprise they were besties.

So, weā€™re totally set up for a situation where RBG dies in the midst of Bush v. Gore 2.0 and a lame duck Senate does a rush confirmation because, ā€œit would be a dereliction of our duty to leave a understaffed Scotus during this unprecedented time,ā€ right?




Guess Iā€™ll be that guy I donā€™t see any way that in 1 year from now Joe Biden is president and there is a permanent conservative 6-3 (some time 5-4) scotus with no actual swing justice all set and ready to rip away roe v wade, obamacare etc etc. Maybe Iā€™m naive.

Cool, so 2020 in general, and this specifically, are all Orin Kerrā€™s fault:

Why do you have to jump to assassination? Kidnapping works.

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Guysā€¦ you need to relax. Sheā€™s not dead yet (people hang on for a long time all the time) and they already have a 5-4 majority. 6-3 is just more reason to pack the court if they act out too much.

These guys have a LIFETIME appointment. There is no advantage to them in what a lot of you are hyperventilating about.

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Donā€™t worry guys. Q told me months ago that RBG is already dead and this is a body double because the dEeP sTaTe wonā€™t let MAGA daddy appoint another justice.

I wish I was I joking but some people seriously believe this.


I mean, we donā€™t even have to speculate. Cocaine literally already said out loud that he will fill any vacancy that comes up this year, this year.

Writers probably have RBG dying January 1. Mitch tries to ram someone though in 2 days. Protesters occupy the capital to try and stall for the two days. These unmarked federal officers round the protesters up and ship them to guantanamo, and Mitch gets it through.

If RBG dies and theyā€™re up against it, theyā€™ll probably only take the 24th and 25th off.

stop bumping this thread


This is 2020, so I feel like the timeline weā€™re on is Trump loses, but contests it due to ā€œvoter fraudā€ and RBG dies like 11/15, they have Kavvy 2.0 in there in no time, confirmation vote on Christmas Eve, Merry Christmas America!

5-4 vote on 12/31 gives Trump a second term. Happy New Year!


Iā€™m buying myself some guns for Christmas under that scenario.


Because despite your flowery meaning packed sentences youā€™re a moron lol. Iā€™m beginning the process of emigrating to the nicest place I can go within a certain range of time zones to start my life overā€¦ again.

Edit: for clarity in that scenario.

Not really understanding why sheā€™d publish the exact name of her treatment. ā€œHey yā€™all, was about to die but now doing great. The miracle drug is called INSULIN.ā€

While you guys burn your one times on a 90-year-old with cancer lasting another 6 months, Iā€™m gonna use mine on this being a honeypot.

Posted in Trump thread tooā€¦ :joy:

In case there was any doubt:


Again Cocaine has already previously said this out loud over a year ago

But what if that scathing criticism comes in the form of more strongly-worded tweets?