The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

There’s something Bloomberg and the other dickhead billionaires could do with their billions if they actually wanted to fucking help butnahhhh stick it in another hedge fund asswipes

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RBG liver cancer back.

Is there a hotline to volunteer to donate?

This thread has had like 50+ posts in the last few days, some in all caps, and every post I read I’m scared. Then I log in this morning and see 1 new post. Cool, no big deal, probably a hot take or something.

RBG liver cancer back.



I fairly recently had a family member go through something similar. Really seems like Ginsberg is going to be dead in under a year. Likely 6 months.

This news was a gut punch. It cannot be overstressed just how important it is for her to make it to the next Presidency.

Sending all the rungood to RBG and America as a whole.

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Assuming she makes it, no way the Republicans will confirm any Biden nominee right?

If Mitch is in charge, no.

Well, actually, they’ll probably compromise to let the nearly 70 year old Merrick Garland to have the seat. Or something worse.

Mitch is never confirming another Democratic nominee, ever.


Is there a realistic latest possible date of a bench seat opening* in which the Republicans can ram through a confirmation?

Like, surely not January 19. January 1? December 1? November 3? etc

*the sarcastic asshole in me really had to resist calling this a “drop dead date” even though that is 100% the appropriate nomenclature. Just too brutal in this specific context.

It would have to be somewhere in the lame duck period after the election but before the new Congress is seated on January 3, so probably January 2.

What options do the Dems have to prevent it? Can they tie up shit administratively and stall this out? Or are we just hoping for Mitt Romney and Susan Collins to save the day like always…

So then it might depend on whether Reps hold the Senate or not? (And Biden + Rep Senate is plausible.)

Senators presumably go home for Christmas and NY, right? Would they normally ever be back in DC by Jan 2?

Of course, MMM will pull out all the stops. But once people go away for Christmas it would seem impossible to confirm, right?

They can’t do dick to prevent it. Even Collins + Romney + Murkowski couldn’t stop it since you need 4 of them to get to 51. The only thing they can do is win the election and then use their newfound power to pack the courts after the fact to punish the Rs for their fuckery. Which is to say… they can’t do dick and they won’t do dick.

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I’ve said it before, but the fact that Scalia died in February 2016 and turtle refused to seat a new justice in an election year will be followed up with turtle doing just that in 2020/21 if RGB dies any time before January 20th 2021 will be the single most infuriating thing in American politics for a long long time. All the fascism and authoritarianism of the Trump admin is awful, but this move will tilt me like no other.


Jfc why didn’t she retire when Obama was in charge


Very much agree.


Short of assassinating a few republican senators, nothing