The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Right, I point out of the next step from the poll and you immediately go to gaslighting mode.

John Roberts “I don’t know what the line is but banning after 15 weeks doesn’t seem unconstitutional” is pretty bad but understandable that radical centrists like iron would be like this is fine in response to that.

But the nutjobs saying okay to ban abortion at anytime, no matter what, and then four states already going that far is house on fire shit. This is a personal shot, but have to think iron’s lack of success with women is putting him at an informational disadvantage in understanding how abhorrent that is.

The people gung-ho about a complete ban are scumbag men who want to control women and weirdo women who want to adopt other women’s babies and shit.


The people gung ho about a complete ban think abortion is murder.

Ah yes, Rs are well known for their intellectual curiosity and moral compasses. They say they believe it’s murder so that they can pretend they are taking the high ground while they are putting their foot on woman’s throats.

Moral philosopher or anti-social psychopath who gets off on hurting other people? You be the judge…

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That is cute and all, but if a fetus is a person, then all babies should be thrown in jail for aggravated sexual assault for what they do to their mothers, and mothers should have self-defense protections should they wish to fight back.

The “vote harder” stuff is just completely absurd outside of the build a progressive party from the ground up over decades argument. If we vote super hard in the fall and hold the House and get 52 Senate seats (a borderline miracle), here is my prediction of the comprehensive progress made on restoring abortion rights.


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The progress will be an ev of one liberal SCOTUS appointment.

Criticizing an individual for not voting is reasonable. When you’re talking about millions of people not voting who are theoretically supposed to vote Dem you’ve lost me. At that point you have to ask why are all these people not voting (for my side, of course) rather than say as a group they are lazy or ignorant.

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This is a hypothetical trolley problem with most of the bodies on the diversion track.

If it were to come to the point that Democrats and other lefties would have to concede a woman’s right to bodily autonomy to stave off civil war, then we would also be at the point that any other civil rights the conservatives didn’t like would also have to be conceded. They could simply threaten war again the next time they wanted to further marginalize another group. That is not a winning game. Like, I don’t like all the deaths in the ensuing civil war, but it’s not the fault of lefties for not capitulation everything. It’s the fault of the conservatives for demanding capitulation on fundamental rights.


Not even close lol. Only if a conservative drops dead.

Which is basically an ev of zero?

Again you are too dumb to realize this is different from wanting/supporting civil war. your entire argument is a massive strawman.

Voting yes is basically being a Neville Chamberlain for civil rights imo.


You realize you liked Wookie’s post which conceded my point, right?

Your point is that people here are similar to the Al Queda because of their poll vote. So no, not sure anyone does actually see that.

My original point is that people are so focused on being as far left as possible that they’re willing to be disingenuous blowhards rather than actually start Civil War 2, but now I see there was some poor reading comprehension mixed in.

Voting yes on that poll is a sanction of one party rule by threat of violence. It’s disgusting. Radical centrism is a helluva drug.


Nobody believes it’s murder. Not republicans, not evangelicals, not catholics, not even the fucking Pope believes it’s murder. It’s extremist rhetoric used to rationalize horrific and inhumane abuse of women. They say it so they don’t feel like monsters for forcing a woman to carry their rapist’s baby to term or forcing a woman to die to an ectopic pregnancy, but they don’t actually believe it.


The poll was extremely simple. It’s a simple two button situation. Gaslighting us now that somehow we are the ones that don’t understand it (or reality frankly) is some wild shit.

Why is “yes” centrism?