The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Supreme Court justices are federally appointed positions. Dems have won the popular vote in 5 of 6 presidential elections, have won every House popular vote since 2014, and Dems have held full power in Washington for nearly twice as long as republicans since 2008 with the only filibuster proof supermajority. The court has moved meaningfully rightward with few paths to undo the shift. Your strategy seems like it sucks.


Don’t really care the GOP can win with 48%. That’s the system and it’s not inherently unjust. Trump getting to appoint 2 justices in the first 2 years and Biden 1 is variance.

Stealing a seat plus a strategic retirement is not variance


Guy steals my BWM

whelp. Just bad luck

Iron’s strategy is a path to permanent Republican minority rule and should not be taken seriously as a solution.


Beat : The inexorable slide towards fascism.
Brag : As a white male I’m somewhat insulated from the negative effects.
Variance : Democrats completely ceding control of the highest court in the land to partisan psychos for a generation at least.



I didn’t answer the poll because the question was too vague. This is not a trolley problem.

Complete removal of abortion rights (ie Federal ban) would mean the American government is in no way responsive to its people any longer. We prevent a civil war precisely by saving abortion rights.

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Not to be outdone by the hearings, SCOTUS is right back at it…

No shock. They’ve already said the way to fix gerrymandering is to vote harder.

Yup, they just willed another illegal GOP seat into existence.

Wait so they said the maps weren’t racist enough? The GOP will just try harder to cross whatever mystery threshold they come up with.

It’s just pure YOLO partisanship top to bottom now. They aren’t even pretending to be an actual court anymore. They don’t care at all about legitimacy at this point.

And they won’t suffer any repercussions either!

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From my understanding, demographics changed enough to warrant a second majority black district instead of just the gerrymandered clusterfuck one that I’m in:


Obviously the GOP state legislature was like lol no, so they got sued. A judge ordered them back into a special session to draw up a map that had the extra district. They all went back to Baton Rouge and did literally nothing. As in, they admitted they went back with no intention of doing that on taxpayer dime. The judge was like, OK I’ll approve one myself. It goes to SCOTUS and they put it on ice until they can hear a similar case, which obviously means we get the illegal map for November. 6-3, naturally.


I looked at that district and thought it was reasonable at first, not realizing it crossed the Mississippi several times. Close up it is ridiculous.

Connecting Baton Rouge and NOLA like that is nuts

“Abolitionists should give in on slavery if it would prevent a civil war”


Slavery was much worse than a lack of abortion rights.

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Denying women abortion rights is literally forced labor.


Anyone saying just vote the system isn’t that bad needs to be shot out of a cannon into the sun.