The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

The point, if I wasnt clear enough, is that it doesnt fucking matter who is better than who when the bad guys have all the power. If power isnt gained, and then USED to help shore up policies that help the good guys and help prevent the bad guys from gaining more power, then the good guys are absolutely fucked

If the SCOTUS had 9 Thomasā€™s and the Senate a filibuster proof GOP majority, they would have nowhere close to all of the power. Another feature of liberal democracy is power is diffuse. Furthermore, Thomas is not equivalent to the Taliban.

Heā€™s not equivalent to the taliban

So far

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Seriously though dude. This roe v wade is just set one of dozens

Itā€™s not going to get better.

Itā€™s not going to get better until we get more libs on the Court. In the meantime, we need to vote Blue no matter who so we can make that happen.

Democrats are like the Uvalde police. They refuse to act when the moment demands it. They need to be replaced, not supported. Fire them. They are occupying a space that could belong to actual opposition.


Heā€™s a moderate single straight white male, the Dobbs ruling doesnā€™t impact him, nor do the potential rulings coming next, so itā€™s all fun and games and a chance to score Internet points on here. Since he doesnā€™t actually care that much about womenā€™s rights, he doesnā€™t really care whether it takes 50 years or 5 years to restore them.

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Taliban is trying to modernize themselves and be more inclusive. They are behind the Republican party significantly, but are moving in the right direction at least as opposed to the Supreme Court moving backwards. Given enough timeā€¦

I donā€™t know. Does this look like the Taliban to you? I mean, her face is showing!


Thatā€™s not how internet points work. You acquire them by agreeing with the mob in a funny or edgy manner, thus improving oneā€™s social capital. I do like internet points, but I like a functioning society too.

Right and if the Dems giving in on abortion (whatever that means, the Dems arenā€™t going to ā€œgive inā€ on abortion in California and theyā€™re not keeping it legal in South Dakota) means saving the country from a bloody civil war where tens of millions of lives are ruined, then, I donā€™t know, probably?

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You will use this exact argument as justification to never do anything at all that might impact your comfortable life. I donā€™t think you actually care about the theoretical tens of millions.


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I would have voted differently if the poll used ā€œcouldā€ instead of ā€œwouldā€. The only thing theoretical as phrased is who gets got.

If I thought that there was going to be a civil war I would care. Since I think the question is nonsensical and there isnā€™t going to be a civil war, youā€™re right I donā€™t care. Why would anyone care about a civil war that isnā€™t going to happen? Itā€™s just something for not Bruce Z to think about when he jerks off.

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not like Al Qaeda tho

Itā€™s bizarre you could live through the Trump/Covid/current era and think we have much of a functioning society. If we still do live in one it is hanging by a thread and getting more precarious by the day. Mass shootings day in and day out. Poor access to health care and now reproductive care. Open fascism/racism by one party and pure apathy/inaction to it by the other party. Income inequality getting worse. Half the country running out of water soon because of inaction on climate change. The power grid barely works in parts of the country. Concentration camps at our southern border. The highest incarceration rate in the world.

You can call that a functioning society. I would call it hell and itā€™s only going to get worse.

You are also strawmanning pretty hard. Unless I missed it no on here is advocating STARTING a civil war over abortion. The question was would you give up abortion rights to avert one. Itā€™s a very different thing.

Itā€™s also entirely hypothetical because we already gave up abortion rights by doing things like electing the DemE crew with our votes for the last 40 years.


You will have a conservative court your entire lifetime.

And probably your kids lifetimes.

Voting blue isnā€™t going to change that.

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Also what the hell argument do you think Iā€™m making here? What behavior am I justifying? Iā€™m saying Bruce Zā€™s poll is fucken stupid. Bruce Zā€™s dipshit edgelording polls are not going to effect my comfortable life, good point.

Is it edgelording or is it a conscious effort to move the Overton window and get people more riled up?

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