The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

My dude, wanting to abandon abortion rights is a you thing. No one else is down for that.

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This is one of the rights towering intellectual leaders!

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He’s just trying to see if one of us will carry out his fantasies of political violence for him.




Now that @NotBruceZ has won the argument here and everyone other than me is advocating war, who is starting the new Al-Qaeda? Doesn’t have to be anyone on this forum but surely someone in the country isn’t all talk. No point in secession, the only practical effect of Dobbs is in Red states.

Tiny minority of ultra religious zealots overrule the vast majority of a supposedly democratic country to severely restrict the rights of women.

Iron : Who is gonna create Al-Qaeda?

It’s already been created mate. They are currently in charge of your country.



It’s very weird you don’t see the obvious parallel here. Sure the US is not Afghanistan (yet) but that is literally only because the system is hanging by a shred. The Christian Right is exactly the same as the Taliban and if they had unfettered control the US would be equivalent to Afghanistan, in both degree and kind. The literal only difference would be the name they use for the imaginary god they organize around.

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I haven’t answered the question because it’s just kind of a dumb scenario. There probably isn’t a civil war looming in in the US and if there is, “giving in on abortion” is not going to prevent it. All the “no” voters are really interpreting it as “should the Dems give in on abortion in an effort to stave off a civil war” to which the answer is obviously “no”. If I ran another poll “do you think abortion rights are going to be the determinant of whether there is a new civil war” everyone would vote no.


Lol that result. Hi Iron!


I believe they are called republicans.

Holy shit


My favorite part was in her previous show, getting an abobo was a running storyline and everyone was super easy going about it.

They got yogurt afterward!

FUCK YOU. FUCK OFF. God I hate this guy. He is probably the worst poster on Twitter and there is serious competition. I should probably ban him, his posts are so rarely funny.


The question is whether abortion rights should be restored after killing a few thousand or hundred thousand Republicans. We are better than them for a reason.

Ill make sure to let the guy know im better than him when Im in a railcar on my way to the camp.




So were the jews better than the nazis, or no? How did that end up working out? How bout the women and gay men murdered by the taliban, better or worse than their murderers?

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