The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything


Thomas has all but explicitly said they’re going after gay marriage next.

Then contraception

Somehow people will still be shocked when this happens even as they proudly telegraph it

Pictures of the “quiet prayer” by the Coach. Just an unobtrusive little thing he did while he had a little down time, y’know.

Yea the court case itself shows me that while its overall impact probably won’t be much it’s going to enable the biggest asshole petty tyrants in school

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Yeah I’m sure “high school football coach” guy is totally fine with players sitting out the prayer, no chance of retaliation, especially in rural Texas.

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Even if–somehow lol–he legitimately 100% had no intention to favor/punish players…

  1. The players have no way of knowing that.
  2. He’s a fallible human being subject to all the biases we all are.

I’d say anyone who ever played sports at a competitive but not hyper-elite level would understand this, but really any human being who has interacted with other human beings should.


Agree it’s about punishing the poor, particularly the non-white poor, above anything else

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NBC echoing what we’ve been talking about here.

With some states allowing private lawsuits against out-of-state abortion providers — and other states prohibiting cooperation with abortion investigations — the abortion issue is likely to pit state law enforcement agencies and court systems against one another in dramatic fashion. The federal government, meanwhile, faces a choice over how to deal with states that seek to ban Food and Drug Administration-approved abortion medication, now used in about half of pregnancy terminations. And whatever the Biden administration does, federal policy could change dramatically if the Republicans take the White House.

Experts say it is conceivable that a person could be wanted for a felony in an anti-abortion rights state but protected from extradition in a pro-abortion rights state. The governor of Massachusetts has already imposed rules forbidding state officers from cooperating in abortion investigations. California’s governor signed a bill seeking to protect from civil liability anyone providing, aiding or receiving abortion care in the state. Texas law, however, lets private citizens sue out-of-state abortion providers, and Missouri is considering a similar law.

“What we had in the years leading up to the Civil War was a failure of what lawyers call comity, the idea that states will respect other states’ laws” for reasons of courtesy, consideration and mutual respect, said Ariela J. Gross, a professor of law and history at the University of Southern California Gould School of Law. “That starts to break down when you have these really stark differences over an issue involving a fundamental right, and that’s what happened in the years leading up to the Civil War.”

Old, but Jesus fuck what an idiot.

Democrats should give in on abortion if it would prevent a civil war.
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

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He helped create an illegitimate SCOTUS. Nothing should be off the table when it comes to righting this wrong and regaining control. Nothing

I almost didn’t vote because there wasn’t a FUCK NO option


I really wish this didn’t hold back and did a wind up 360 dunk on Scalia. But this was still pretty good.




1 is the loneliest number

Gotta love the tweeters memes

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Is abortion the line in the sand for you guys? Like would you pick up arms and fight against the government for it?

Because if so, that time is coming pretty soon if it isn’t here now.

No, I will just move elsewhere. The USA is a gigantic parking lot as far as I am concerned and is not worth dying for. All I see is one shopping center after another over and over again with the same chain businesses. I can eat McDonalds in 182 other countries thank you very much.

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