The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

It’s great because the justices don’t even have to apply any kind of logic you learn in the LSAT. It’s now all up to “actually that doesn’t count” or “yea that’s historical” and it’s almost solely up to the justices.

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The wife’s Puerto Rican heritage friend (born and voted in PA) remarked about the “babies” but is also concerned about judges making those decisions for everyone. Pretty sure she voted for Donnie in 2016 but was personally appalled in 2020 (or she pulled the Donnie lever again but got such blowback she dubbed about the second time).

Latinx is split enough that the coming demographic shift won’t matter near as much as thought. Great job Nancy and Chuck.


If a fetus is a person you don’t have to wait till the mother gets an abortion to charge her with a crime. We already jail moms for doing drugs/drinking while pregnent. Surely leaving the state while pregnent could be a form of kidnapping. To say nothing of conspiracy.

Well let’s not jump to conclusions here. Did her master I mean husband sign a permission slip allowing her to leave the state?


Never mind the country balkanizing, the states are going to tear themselves apart internally first.

Austin could be the very first place we see something like this play out. The liberal city and conservative state have been in a high profile war over everything for decades.

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Indiana already wishes they could nuke Indianapolis. Lucky for them they contribute next to nothing to the city.

Next up: Clarence Thomas says American citizens are seemingly more interested in avocado toast than their right to bear arms.


Think the analogy with prohibition is pretty apt here.

Republicans want lawyers to be historians with zero training in historiography.


This, with all the tradition distorted by nostalgia for a glory day that never really existed.


When will all abortion clinics rebrand themselves as Satanic Temples?


Clarence Thomas is an extremist christian fundamentalist.

Did this guy just say gay rights are on the table too?

Mitch McConnell won the war.

This doesn’t make any sense. I’ve been assured that Mitch is a Reasonable Republican. Maybe he can be Joe’s VP in 2024!