The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

This was a mortal lock.

The US is going to be a true theocracy at some point.

Im going to look into volunteering for this.

Yes! and donate:

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The Constitution and the best of our traditions counsel mutual respect and tolerance

Unless you’re gay, black, and/or female.

I mean, if you give a shit about the opinions of the wealthy white slaveowners who wrote this document hundreds of years ago, then I guess SCOTUS is doing a pretty good job.

Yep, give those who are cheering this decision EVERYTHING they ask for. Lets get teachers to lead satanic prayer, muslim prayer, jewish prayer, mormon prayer, buddhist meditation time, etc etc etc. Work with students to request any teacher who leads the class in christian prayer also gives equal prayer time to ALLLLLLLLLLL other religious options.

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Not traditional, sorry.

I’m sure there will be a teacher try to lead kids in a muslim prayer and get shit canned. And in a few years we get the 6-3 ruling that actually Muslim prayers are different from Christian prayers because of arblegarble.


Not deeply rooted in our traditions, duh.






The classic “brief lull” clause.

The doctors in these cases are almost certainly guilty, but this is still right.

In case you’re not mad yet today

“I think we as citizens have lost interest and that’s been my disappointment. That certainly was something that bothered Justice Scalia, that people tend to be more interested in their iPhones than their Constitution. They’re interested in what they want rather than what is right as a country,” he said.

When Pack asked if the loss of interest among the general population is “a burden for the Supreme Court,” Thomas disagreed.

“No, it’s a burden on them, the citizens,” he said. “They’re going to lose their liberties.”

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big boomer energy right there

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We need to start having lawyers who are arguing the hopeless sides of 6-3 cases start trolling the justices. Do it subtly at first; crack a Coke can when Clarence Thomas’s question time begins, crack open a Budweiser when it’s Rapenaugh’s time at the mic, stuff like that. Ramp up from there. It’s all a hopeless game of Calvinball anyway, might as well have some fun while you’re getting your ass kicked.

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Sorry that I’m more interested in something that was just recently invented and goes through annual improvements and updates than something written 230 years ago that people think is infallible and can never be made better or more applicable to modern times.


And? They still should be convicted. The bar used to convict them was still wrong.

Obviously this working would be very bad from a religious rights perspective…

but goddamn I’d love to cross-examine coach (I know he wasn’t on trial…) about his faith and belief in Jesus etc and then have him read from the Gospel what Jesus had to say about people who make a public spectacle of their piety.

There are no worse marketers of Christianity than outspoken Christians.



it’s not a coincidence that the states that are rushing into criminalizing even helping someone find out about abortion options are also the states that have the smallest safety nets