The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Using violence against Nazis is ethical, and it’s ethical to do so even before they get to the point of extermination camps. Yes, lots of people died doing so, and that is sad, but it’s not like the people who capitulated early are morally superior to the people who died fighting earlier, and neither are the people who elected to fight earlier culpable for the deaths involved. The Nazis are.

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It’s just some silly stars jews have to wear on their chests guys! No reason to consider not allowing it as long as we we can avert civil war temporarily!


Huff post was all over this 10+ years ago. Meanwhile edems and centrists are like, "How could I have been so wrong? Who saw this coming?!

Ps - Plz send $12 so we can use the money to make sure none of those filthy progressives win."


I suppose it could be that you just want one party GOP rule or that you are an antiabortion Dem. But I assume maybe incorrectly that you are a typical pro-choice Dem. If the situation were posed that leaders of rightwing Islamic governments joined together to say US women must wear burkas in public and no major party may oppose it or we’re going to war with America, I think (again maybe incorrectly) you would say that’s outrageous and we should absolutely fight them tooth and nail for women’s rights and national sovereignty. There’s very little difference between that hypothetical and this one where you have the complete opposite position. The logical conclusion is that you view compromising with the GOP as inherently better than compromising with some other terrorist group - and in this hypothetical the GOP are absolutely terrorists - thus “radical centrism.”


This is a court unafraid of the electorate and unashamed of showing its hand. The emperor does not care that he wears no clothes. Nancy Pelosi reads a poem. President Biden issued a tepid commitment to women’s rights. No one seems afraid of the people. That is the people’s fault.

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Worth noting that there are many actions and tactics short of civil war that even centrist Dems could put in motion if they weren’t primarily a bunch of useless bought and paid for cowards.

How cowardly does a party have to be to back down on protecting Supreme Court clerks from violence because the minority party insisted their bought and paid for judges needed protection RIGHT AWAY because they were about to end abortion rights for all? Basically the only things they’ve moved fast on while in power is protecting Brett Kavanaugh and funding war.


Another 6-3?

This seems like a slam dunk for the atheist. But I’m sure it will be a nail-biter.

It’s probably the type of 2020s “test case” Clarence Thomas and the rest absolutely can’t wait for.

Wait y’all taking that poll seriously in any way? Wat? Come on now.


As it is worded that vote is an easy no as the only possible way this would lead to civil war is red states invading blue states to enforce abortion bans and I do hope the people in the blue states then use force to kick them out.

His boss told him “he did not have to believe in God, and he did not have to like the prayer meetings, but he had to participate” before the worker was fired in the fall of 2020, according to a complaint filed by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission against the Greensboro-based business. This came after his pay was cut in half.

“I don’t see what the problem is.” - Clarence Thomas.

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Not sure if it’s in this thread or another, but Matt did a poker hand analogy on latest Chapo.

Not a bad analogy for a fish

Matt supposedly plays and is a total fish

In before Ginni fights a subpoena and it goes all the to SCOTUS and Clarence does not recuse and she loses 1-8.

“They’re not going to fucking fold. They have a winning hand. They have the fucking nuts. They are not folding that fucking hand. They are going to the river.”

Transcribing while walking

I heard it but yeah I’ve read that he does play

Itt, demanding that a civil right in place for fifty years remain in place = being as far left as possible.


That is a nice very nice troll genre.