The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

I agree it’s always about race, but I don’t totally agree that it’s about keeping white babies alive. Given how much anti-abortion fanatics trumpet what I assume are true statistics about the disproportionate number of Black and brown babies getting aborted, I figured it was more about keeping Black and brown mothers impoverished. I don’t doubt that there are people who think like the person in Jane Elliot’s story, but I still think that in a world where rich white women can get abortions in other states but poor WOC can’t afford to travel and/or take time off work, the larger effect is going to be more impoverished mothers and babies of color than more white babies.


Grunching a bit but sign me up to vote for her. In general the youngest people in my timeline are absolutely pissed about the Roe decision and are leveling their anger where it belongs. Obama, Biden, the Clintons, Chuck and Nancy andso on. It would be encouraging except we will all be rounded up into camps or dead before the Dems let any of these people have a sniff of power.

Just my guess but I think with most it’s the idea that liberated white sloots are out there having sex willy nilly and not procreating the white race. They don’t think much about black and brown people wrt to abortion.

I do have a theory that one reason evangelicals weren’t so against it in the 70s was exactly not wanting to be outbred by black and brown people. Elvis Presley’s song In the Ghetto is practically a plea for more access to abortion. I just wonder if that was a prevailing attitude at the time.

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There is nearly* 100% overlap with people who will cite the number of black fetuses aborted and people who think whites need to have more kids.

*I’m sure there are far right black misogynists who are into that.

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Not to mention that societal racism already does a good job of keeping infant mortality high for people of color from discrepancy in medical care and uses incarceration as a type of birth control method.

I don’t disagree with being angry at the eDems for being ineffective. But can’t we also level anger at Republicans, and swing-voter normies who get caught up in “but her emails” and “both sides suck - cancel culture is just as bad as literal fascism” bullshit? Personally people in the latter category piss me off as much as anyone. Get your shit together normies.

I mean if eDems aren’t doing what you want, one argument is to vote for more progressive candidates in primaries, and even get out there and be active if it means so much.

I get that everyone is super pissed right now, and rightfully so. I’m pissed too. But I also am not totally on board with this attitude of “Well I’m just not going to vote so we can have full blown fascism, and then Chuck and Nancy will get what’s coming to them!” or whatever the thinking is.


One side is supposed to be on our team and the other isn’t. Everyone is mad at Republicans but they are doing what they say. The Dems on the other hand aren’t and are losing on purpose to placate the people who pay for their mansions while they give lip service to actually doing anything.

To put this in terms you might understand imagine the Chiefs all taking money from Mark Davis. Then every year they play the Raiders twice and surprise surprise the Raiders kick their ass!!! Who could have seen this coming!!!

Is it logical to be mad at the Raiders or the Chiefs more as a Chiefs fan? Would it maybe be enough to consider not being a Chiefs fan anymore?

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I thought I would check in with my “favorite RWNJ”

Here is her last three posts on facebook


Literally just one post celebrating Roe being overturned before going back to the RWNJ talking points

Thomas, Clarence

Being mad at eDems is 99.9% useless, but being mad at Republicans and idiot voters is 100% useless.

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This is a pretty interesting article detailing a little about how Leonard Leo funnels a ton of dark money around

The playbook is now straightforward: Leo’s dark-money network installs right-wing judges, then Republican attorneys general boosted by Leo’s network bring cases and amicus briefs, while other groups funded by the same network file their own briefs — all to create the appearance of broad-based support for extremist rulings.

According to a Lever review of their most recent tax returns, the Concord Fund and the 85 Fund donated to a long list of groups that filed amicus briefs in the Supreme Court abortion case: the Susan B. Anthony List ($2.3 million from the Concord Fund); Former Vice President Mike Pence’s Advancing American Freedom ($1 million from the Concord Fund); Concerned Women for America ($440,000 from the Concord Fund, $100,000 from the 85 Fund); the Ethics and Public Policy Center ($488,000 from 85 Fund); the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty ($150,000 from the 85 Fund); Education Fund ($50,000 from the Concord Fund to Catholic Vote Civic Action); and Family Research Council ($25,000 from the Concord Fund to Family Research Council Action).

Here’s some hilarious journalism. We’ve got this article:

And as the headline suggest, we see stuff like this

Unless, I missed it, nowhere in the body of the article was the following stated. Instead it was mentioned once in a photo caption:

The cherry on top is some fair and balanced journalism from the author of this masterpiece:

I realize it’s the lol NY Post, which I admittedly nearly never read, but this was way below expectations (which were incredibly low).

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I don’t think anti-abortion sentiment is anywhere near as much about race as it is about hatred of women’s sexual autonomy. They hate premarital sex, they hate women’s sexuality, they hate unmarried women, and they hate promiscuous women. Race ties into this, but it’s not the main factor.

They see abortion as the apex of women’s sexuality and sexual autonomy: being able to remove what Christian men consider the primary purpose of both women and sex—making babies—from the equation. They see an unwanted baby as the punishment for being a slut—the punishment for a woman trying to circumvent her entire reason for existing. They absolutely cannot stand that women have control over whether or not to bring their pregnancy to term. It drives them bonkers.

They’re also against condoms and contraception, but the situation is more complex and less immediate.

Abortion is the entire question of a woman’s role in the world distilled into one policy question. There’s nothing else like it.


Yes, I agree that hatred of women is above racism w.r.t the abortion debate. It’s just that there’s always a ton of overlap when it comes to things affecting marginalized people.

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Not all states report racial and ethnic data on abortion, but among those who do (29 states and D.C.), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has found that a disproportionately high share are women of color. In 2019, the abortion rate for Black women was 23.8 per 1,000 women. For Hispanic women, it was 11.7 per 1,000. And for White women, it was 6.6 per 1,000.

This is inevitable. Latinos are projected to be the majority in America by 2050. I highly doubt white people will give up their political power to that majority.

So we can be sure that if American democracy continues to backslide that an apartheid state is a very real possibility. Assuming of course we haven’t balkanized before then.

See, told ya

How does the balkanization of America work when all the wealthy states are blue states?

How many latinos identify as white? Isn’t colorism is a big thing in Latin America?

In the Dominican Republic, they hate people from Haiti because they are fully black instead of mixed race.