The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

It’s for sure the dumbest thing ever posted here. Maybe it’s some bad attempt at a joke.

It’s perfectly reasonable to assert that ideologues are going to act ideologically.

What are the best organizations to donate and volunteer for to help women in red states?

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The Court barely turned back an attempt at quashing free speech with several Conservatives enthusiastically voting to do it, all because it involved social media companies.

The purpose of the right wing legal movement is to translate right wing cultural grievances into legal ideology.

So you can say the Conservatives are acting ideologically, and they are, it’s just the contents of that ideology are malleable and work in concert with the political. Theyre not two wholly separate things.


You can donate to abortion funds that operate in states where abortion is still legal and that provide financial assistance (including for travel costs) to women. You can find some here:

ETA here is a better link:


No you won’t. You’ll come back once you need some more attention.


We’re gearing up for yet another protest at the Utah State Capitol today. This will be the 4th on this issue. Each of the previous three have gotten progressively bigger. Friday was approaching BLM scale. I’ll be impressed if there are those kind of numbers again today.

Well they’ve got a news helicopter up and I can already hear the crowd from here so I’ll mosey on over in a bit and see.



Thank you sir. I’ve been checked out of politics but still trying to help when I can.


Slightly smaller crowd today than Friday but very emotional. Chanting “Fuck the Church and Fuck the State” and headed off towards the Church world headquarters.



It’s about race, it’s always been about white people afraid of losing their majority


I have been thinking about this more and I think blue state/Republican red state hell is probably the safest solution and then wait 30 years hoping for demographic/ideological changes. I would guess that is what big business is going to push for as well.

It’s the fear that’s fundamental.

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The core tenet of the Trumpist Republican Party is owning the libs. I’m highly skeptical of a solution that involves letting the lib states govern as they see fit.

This is why I think the northeast and west coast will eventually just straight up ignore the Supreme Court and by extension the federal government.

I get in a doom world runout federal troops are in these places violently advancing the fascist agenda but I’m pretty pessimistic generally and even I just don’t see that happening. How would they enforce gay sex bans or gay marriage bans or real gun control or to a lesser extent contraception bans?

New York and California are very rich states with a lot of resources to fight back.

Going to have to try and find out why this shit got into my Google news feed

It’s called health insurance, motherfuckers!

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Yeah it’s pretty much always about race.

Meanwhile the day whites are no longer in the majority in the US cannot come fast enough as far as I’m concerned. If white men couldn’t vote this country would be a utopia.

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