The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

You seem to have no fucking clue how anything works nor have any access to any news sources. You should try before continuing to post on subject you know nothing about.

Interesting. Can totally see this leading to armed conflict between the federal government and a state.

The extradition clause itself:

A person charged in any state with treason, felony, or other crime, who shall flee from justice, and be found in another state, shall on demand of the executive authority of the state from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the state having jurisdiction of the crime.

Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll pretty easily bend themselves around the words ā€œfleeā€ and ā€œfledā€. I mean, the constitution is a living document, sometimes.

I donā€™t think that response is warranted. The conservative justices do attempt to have consistent judicial philosophies and donā€™t completely make up their reasoning to support their preferred outcomes.

When do we start seeing states prosecuting the mother for obtaining an illegal abortion? Thatā€™s been a bridge too far for most people, but that exception has never made sense to me and itā€™s only going to be more relevant as women get medically induced abortions at home.

(I know Texas started to prosecute one woman, but that was quickly dropped. Iā€™m talking about a state law that explicitly includes the mother.)


Ultimate hellworld result of all this is Biden/Dems agreeing to expand the court by adding 4 new justices, 2 Dems 2 Republicans


And one of the democrats is Merrick Garland.


Overturning Roe has been their ultimate goal for 50 years. This is THE issue that drove their movement. While race, gender, sexuality et al are certainly connected to their anti-abortion passion, polling on the topic has been fairly tight and itā€™s been a major driver of turnout. This cannot be said of gay marriage and interracial marriage.

Thomas et al argued what they needed to provide a basis for their ruling. Who knows how much of it they believe.

You all know damn well why Roe was overturned and it 100% was not because honorable SC justices weā€™re lying awake at night traumatized by the legal reasoning behind the original ruling. They want the national right to an abortion gone and they had the power to pull it off. So they did.

All this is to say, parsing Thomasā€™s ruling to say theyā€™ll reverse Loving doesnā€™t make much sense to me. Obviously the GOP is and probably will for the rest of my life be the party of white supremacy, but in all the time Iā€™ve spent around right wing cesspools online Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ve ever even encountered opposition to interracial marriage.

These justices have been telling us their whole lives they want Roe overturned because they want abortion illegal. Jokes about Clarenceā€™s marriage aside, who on the SC personally wants to see interracial marriage banned?

If they overturn Loving it will be because they want toā€“not because oh no they have no choice because of Dobbsā€“and I just dont see it.


I bet they will start doing it. Itā€™s always been a sop for public relations. Thatā€™s no longer needed


Not really 50 years. Lots of Republicans were pro-choice. Many evangelical leaders actually came out for Roe or had no comment. Only the Catholic church was vehemently against Roe back in the day. And even that only started in the 1800s.

Then sometime around the mid-80s, evangelicals and hence Republicans realized it was a huge winning issue to angry up their constituents. And we were off to the races.

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Imagine all the liberal policies that would have been passed if Dems had realized this first and locked in the votes from this constituency.

A majority of Republicans support gay marriage now and being anti-interracial marriage is even more fringe.

Support for gay marriage is approaching the numbers for ā€œat least allow women who would otherwise die to get an abortionā€.

Gay and interracial marriage are like weed and teaching evolution in that the internet ended serious debate on the topics. I donā€™t think weā€™re seeing that with abortion.

I would bet that that 22% in '76 skewed much more heavily to Catholics, whereas the 21% in '10 skews much more heavily to evangelicals.

That chart really is a great illustration of how much the tail is wagging the dog right now.

ā€œAbortion is murderā€ is a rightwing position. The people who want to force women to carry pregnancies to term so that Jesus wonā€™t have a sad oppose most other liberal policies (e.g. how do you think they feel about secular public education?).

The abortion debate isnā€™t limited to the US. Is there any place in the world where liberals and conservatives are flipped compared to USA on this issue? Not that I know of, and itā€™s probably not a coincidence.

I think the same sex marriage and birth control ones are pretty significant. I would have guessed at most 35% of the population expected those things to be limited by SCOTUS in the near future. More people woke up than I expected. Or itā€™s just happy and excited conservatives?

Just bet a guy $500 to his $2750 that within 4 years SCOTUS will deliver a ruling declaring fetal personhood.

I think I got the good end (ev wise not policy wise obviously).

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Lots of legal fights over stuff like this coming.

