The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Ok I’m dumb. I’m missing the connection? Because servicewomen won’t be able to fight if pregnant?

No, because some members and their loved ones will die trying to get necessary abortion care that’s banned.


Here’s the article she wrote:

It explains a bit better

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Right. Thanks.

Even if it’s true I was expecting some effort. Singing on the steps of Congress, reading a poem, striking a yoga pose? At least Texas Democrats, the least effective Democrats you’ll ever meet, put a request for local D.A.'s to ignore the hearing. Not the good idea but at least it’s some kind of forward motion.

Defund the military. We no longer have an America worth spending that much to protect.

Effective blackmail opportunity for foreign actors too

Counterpoint: imagine being the conservative (or their spouse) who leaked it, and the only major response between the leak and the final opinion is that Congress provided more security for Justices and their families. Oh, and millions of people already got their rage out, so when the actual ruling came out today they just responded like Clyburn.


I don’t necessarily disagree, but that really doesn’t have anything to do with that article.


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Does SCOTUS have any more horrors in store for us the next few days, or are we done for this docket?

They are still going to rule you can openly force your students to pray in school.

I’m not kidding, that is a ruling coming still.

They also might rule that courts control immigration policy (at least when there’s a D president)

You know, to evaluate that decision one would have to take into context the history of the United States…

…oh and some case where they’re going to further neuter the EPA’s ability to enforce the Clean Air Act.

If that was true why aren’t they trying to pass huge corporate tax cuts?

Well they ran on raising corporate taxes and then just made sure they failed to do it. Republicans job is to pass corporate tax cuts. Democrats job is to run on repealing them, then fuck it up when they get power.

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Like it’s pretty simple at this point. Either establishment Democrats are the most incompetent collection of morons who ever managed to get elected and re-elected to office, or they’re smart and competent people who are in the bag for corporations.


Do you think they would raise corporate taxes if they had 65%+ majorities?