The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

No. They’d find a way to fuck it up, or they’d just make sure everything else moved just slowly enough to keep that from happening.

It’s both.

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Nah, they’re plenty competent when it’s time to shiv a progressive or get a quick bipartisan bill on SCOTUS Justice security.

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Lol at ever casting a vote for democrats again

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You want your children to go to school without the fear of getting mowed down by an assault rifle? SORRY PUSSY some fucking slave owners 250 years wrote a shitty amendment about muskets and militias. You want the Supreme Court expanded so that a party that’s won one popular vote in a presidential election in 3 decades doesnt enact regressive minority rule? Sorry bro, can’t upset our moderate (e)Dems or you might make them sad enough to change teams!

Fucking shit hole country. And a worse Democratic Party.


If anyone wants a good hate read

There are just so many levels to rage at.

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Wonder if Tesla will issue a similar relocation policy out of Texas.

Luckily no one was seriously hurt

Can’t wait to hear my Trumpy ass friends explain that this has nothing to do with abortion and it’s actually a good thing we’re overturning unconstitutional activist judges rulings of the past and giving states more freedom or whatever.

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Don’t you mean -your pony’s mother went to a blue state, therefore your pony was never born.

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The most they’ll be getting from me is a pledge.

That works too.

I thought this was legal now.

I think Florida made it legal. I don’t know about other states. Also I think it got ruled unconstitutional, based on the definition of riot being too vague.

Dem justices should vote with Thomas (and try to find a 5th) to overturn all those. Say based on precedent they have no choice. Better to just rip off the band-aid now and stop pretending court is anything other than a joke.

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At least there’s only a few more hours of fake outrage left before we can move onto something really cool like restarting the student loans.

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Go ahead and fast track Clovis’ confirmation

Republicans are going to be reduced to sitting at home staring at the walls if they boycott all these companies


Nobody is boycotting them. Most Republicans will talk a big game about boycotting them, do so for a week or two then forget.

The lunatics are going to harass their employees, or worse, shoot them up or bomb them. Once the abortion clinics are gone as targets, offices of companies helping women get abortions will be next.

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