The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Gonna be some serious fireworks in Florida.


Nobody serious who knows his jurisprudential history would have thought he as serious about Roe, rather than conducting the political dance all nominees do, or faking his commerce clause stance.

So did everyone after Bork.


All of his prior opinions comport with thinking Roe was wrongly decided and show strong support for commerce clause application in this context.

Well, promises are worthless, but some are more easy to determine if they’ll act in accordance with what’s said.

Anyone joining any of his concurrences on substantive due process jurisprudence? Buehler? Buehler?

The establishment Dems don’t want to do that because this is basically the best court ever for corporations, which is what they really care about.


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Yeah that’s kind of the point. We have to thread a needle to get back to sanity from here w/o losing our democracy and/or something like a Civil War.

Not quite miscegenation though. That’s where progress stops for Thomas.

The problem is the people who prefer losing democracy to anything approaching civil war

Hope this lights a fire under the right’s boycott Disney movement. We’re planning on going to Disneyland next spring and I would appreciate light crowds.

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I guess I know where to buy my next insert random sports item here


I’m reading the Rise and fall of third reich that someone mentioned in the book thread I think but one thing I didn’t realize is that hitler didn’t come to power by a huge popular following, he only came to power with the help of other parties who were sure that 1) he could controlled, or 2) wouldn’t actually do what he wrote in Mein kampf and always said he would do. Feels kinda similar to this tbh


Just imagine being that liberal clerk who leaked the opinion to try and give everyone 2 months heads up only to have Democrats be just as ineffective as if this were just sprung on them


E Dems think this is a gift from god and will somehow save them in the midterms.

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I’m at a crowded tap room and everyone is just acting normal so yeah waaf