The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Kavanaugh said that a woman going to another state to obtain an abortion is kosher.

Agreed fully.

He also said under oath that Roe is settled law.

Kavanaugh also said that Roe was settled legal precedent. How did that turn out?

Edit: pony lost by a nose

I donā€™t understand all the agitation over this specifically. They (he and Gorsuch) said it was settled law. Which it was. I donā€™t think either of them ever said in public that settled law canā€™t be overturned.

I realize this is microscopic hair splitting but Iā€™ve been at a swim meet for several hours, my back is aching, and hair splitting is all Iā€™ve got.


It wonā€™t matter, but the house does need to impeach him for perjury. Even if it will be just for show.

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Yeah, seems fine. They can knock this out in like an hour.

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At this point, if the Dems arenā€™t going to pack the court, then they should just be full court press on completely delegitimizing the supreme court.

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Even if he didnā€™t perjure himself, the point is that his promises are worthless. Heā€™s no more bound to his statement about crossing state lines than he was to his words about respecting precedent w.r.t. Roe. I mean, maybe thatā€™s what he actually thinks, but itā€™s foolish to put any weight behind it when he could also be taking a boiled frog approach to abortion restrictions and will uphold state laws making it a felony to cross state lines for an abortion in 2025.

Literally zero chance they do either. They will do exactly nothing. Not a single thing.

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Reading their full quotes in context, I think itā€™s obvious that they were just making the trivially true statement that roe was currently the law and that they would apply the concept of stare decisis to roe the same way they would to any other precedent. And they clearly indicated that stare decisis was not absolute for roe or any other case.


Oh, obviously

FYP. Thomas probably couldnā€™t get the whole majority to stake out a claim to promise to overthrow the whole lot of cases so he wrote another opinion to say, ā€œsure I agree with the majority, but Iā€™m willing to go furtherā€

One weird trick brainworms still going strong.

Anyway, back to my 400k job helping make the torment nexus.


Itā€™s soooooo weird seeing some people post here that Thomas is some kind of island. Dude just authored a decision to basically end gun control.

Anyone want a long term bet Iā€™ll take the side at least one of Griswold, Lawrence or Obergerfell are overturned within three years.

Iā€™m guessing at least one will be next year.


Probably not literally next year but thereā€™s at least one state thatā€™s going to immediately go yolo on Obergefell.

Like itā€™s not going to be a surprise when Oklahoma passes the Kim Davis Act that says no state employee shall be required to participate in the certification or verification of any marriage that is not between one biological man and one biologically woman.

Absolutely states will ban IUDs.

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No he didnā€™t.

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