The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

From it’s never ever going to happen to they only have 2 votes on the supreme court. Let’s see how many votes there are when the case comes. Let’s see how the Trump appointees vote. Let’s see how the next president’s appointees vote.

This is not 0% and you’re a fool to even worry about it.

There’s been a massive flurry of anti-LGBTQ legislation in red states this past year, if you haven’t noticed. Obergefell is a dead man walking at this point, and I think Lawrence is a favorite to be overturned. Griswald probably lives, but in a state where no employer has to provide insurance that covers contraception and red states outlaw Plan B, IUDs, and various other things they get gut feels about.

What liberal justices are being replaced? Next up are Thomas and Alito.

No one other than Federalist Society ghouls is getting on the court without a Democratic presidency AND senate, which we may not see again for a lifetime.

So you think Obergefell must be overruled in 2023?

Why TF is this discussion happening here?

The Great Dissenter John Marshall Harlan was on an island with Plessy v Ferguson and look how that turned out.

I don’t know. Someone responded to a post I made and I received an alert. Am I not permitted to respond?

I don’t think the next justice(s) appointed to the court will be conservatives. Kavanaugh and Roberts and Barrett-Coney have not given any indication they agree with Thomas on his substantive due process argument (otherwise they would have made his opinion the majority).

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The precedent has been set that only Federalist Society ghouls get on the court unless the Dems hold both the Presidency and the Senate, and Republicans have set up the system so that they can throw out presidential results they don’t like.

Decisions like today’s are, I think, going to lead to many of the milquetoast Democrats to step up. If contraception or gay marriage are at issue they will be extremely electorally motivated to take action to undo what has happened.

pretty sure most of them other than the bigs like texas and florida are already pretty much bankrupt… they bankrupt themselves with tax cuts because thats the only actual policy republicans know about.

They’ve been talking about this idea on Chapo recently. This could even end up with states pursuing a separate foreign policy at least when it comes to trade agreements and so on. Why would California give a shit what Arkansas thinks its trade policies should be?

Like George Carlin said, “Republicans want live babies to become dead soldiers.”

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A lot of it is word for word the same as the leaked draft. It looks like the only major difference is there are new sections where it responds to the dissent and Roberts’ concurrence.

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I get where you’re coming from but I don’t think the 15-year-old voted for anybody.

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Did you forget to log in as @SweetSummerChild before posting this?

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We haven’t had a thread to lol at Albertan secession yet

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Fair. Maybe it’s only 18+ that we refuse service to.

Or the child has to get emancipated from their parents.

I don’t know. I just hate that leopards keep eating the rest of our faces, too.

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Yeah, that will just lead to

  1. (Best case) injunctions obtained next day rendering acts illegal and unactionable; and/or

  2. (Worst case) emboldening of insane anti abortion groups to step up bombing campaigns