The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Should we move towards having a separate abortion thread?

Also, looking to invest. Who are the top coat hanger manufacturers?

well then there would be a R president now

Thatā€™s so 1970s, there will be companies all over Kickstarter with their 3D-printed hook-like devices that are definitely not for performing home abortions with, wink wink nudge nudge.



I mean thereā€™s nothing wrong with doing yoga, and nothing wrong with being disappointed in Roe v Wade and nothing wrong with being glad youā€™re passing some kind of gun law but do you really need to combine all three?

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Itā€™s not what I would do but anyone doing more than nothing gets a pat on the back from me.

He deleted it. I screenshotted it and posted the image.

Is he trying to become limber enough to shove his head up his ass?


Seems like that would be a reasonable pose to practice, being a politician and all.


Now you know how it is for immigrants (specially non white) in the US.
Source : non us citizen whoā€™s been ā€œinā€ the immigration system for over a decade.


Reading between all the lines within the conservatives thereā€™s unanimous agreement at getting rid of Roe, probably could get within striking distance to get rid of Griswold based on ā€˜potentialā€™ life (also lol at striking down Roe based on the balance of a ā€˜potential lifeā€™ and prohibiting state from balancing an actual life with the 2nd amendment) and probably canā€™t get to a majority support to get rid of Lawrence or Obergefell. Probably why Thomas did his concurrent opinion because he was more strident in saying everything has to go and the other conservatives wouldnā€™t agree on putting gay rights on the chopping block, yet


I know this is getting into NBZ edgelord territory, but WA (and I think OR and CA) have already stated that they have committed to reproductive rights for both residents of WA and people traveling to WA for abortions -

Itā€™s a shame voting records arenā€™t public so when some right wing family from Idaho come to WA for an abortion for their 15 year old daughter that ā€œshe just made a mistakeā€, we should be able to check to see if that they voted for these schmucks and deny them care. These assholes need to suffer the consequences of their actions. ā€œElections have consequences!ā€

I guess we could check their party affiliation to get some idea of how they voted.

As a WA resident, I donā€™t want my taxes paying for abortions of Idahoans that voted these people into power.

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Itā€™s common for SCOTUS to decide cases on the narrowest grounds possible.

Get out while you still can.

Massachusetts already issuing an executive order refusing any cooperation with other states trying to prosecute reproductive services that are legal in MA. This is the sort of thing I think eventually escalates to Balkanization.

No. 600: Protecting Access to Reproductive Health Care Services in the Commonwealth


Or civil war.

Thomas: [W]e should reconsider all of this Courtā€™s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell.

Those are: contraception, sodomy, gay marriage.

Thomas has been on an island for years. Nobody else on the Court agrees with him except maybe Alito on those issues.

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