The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Everyone knows that fascists have one weak spot, and it’s poems.



The GOP has thoughts and prayers, but Democrats have songs and poems! DEMS DELIVER BABY!


I’m expecting a South African apartheid state with a Putin-esque spin.

All hail future dictator Ron DeSantis!

This Is Just To Say

I have outlawed
the rights
that were in
the prior ruling


“The left and the right suck so fucking bad, like the left fucking hates me. The woke left, the liberals are CRAZY, they’re insane people! Yet, I end up having to vote for a moron like Biden, because the right is going to put Supreme Court people in who are just ruining this country taking basic rights away. I honestly believe 95% of the people in this country think like me. They’re socially liberal and they’re financially conservative. They like 90% of what Republicans, they don’t like the woke culture and all this craziness, but then you look at what they’re doing and it’s like they’re taking away basic rights. What’s next, same sex marriage? Like what is next? It’s insane! That’s why we have to vote for the morons like Biden, who’s borderline incompetent, because it’s too dangerous to vote Republican. Like what the fuck are we doing? Wake up!”

Now that’s a fucking word salad. My favorite is declaring himself socially liberal and declaring that he hates woke culture with like 11 words in between.

I thought Portnoy’s complaint was supposed to have more pooping in it


Portnoy standing with the 95% of Americans who are socially liberal, woke-culture hating, Biden hating Biden voters.

Actually, Biden hating Biden voters might be a plurality. I’m one. Almost everyone I know is a Biden hating Biden voter.

My past self should be beaten with a bag of rocks for ever suggesting anyone ever vote for Democrats.


Unfortunately everybody does now.


There’s lot of different angles to attack this. Letting people bring up charges on women who are suspected of wanting an abortion and then the court slow rolling the writ of habeas corpus and/or denying bail for vague reasons or somehow legalizing “she might get an abortion” as a legal reason to deny bail. Etc. A side benefit for these right to life people of having a junked up legal system is that saying “this person was detained for 5/6/7/8 months until we found her not guilty/charges were dropped” isn’t an outlandish statement

That ascribes too much agency to them. Democrats are the dog poop the state steps in as it goes about its business.


Unbelievable. Simulation.

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History shows that the Supreme Court is not fully insulated from public opinion, and it can only push its luck so much before politicians get spurred by the public to react.

But they will fuckin’ try!

Historians will point to the day she locked up the 2016 nomination as the start of the downfall of the American Empire.

It goes back quite a bit before that. I’d say the GOP becoming the “Party of No” under McConnell’s leadership is an obvious one, as it finally broke the Senate and guaranteed gridlock and leaned on the GOP’s systemic advantages that allowed the GOP to fully become an anti-democratic (small d) party.

But you could go back quite a bit farther, I think.

At the end, “clearly we hope the Supreme Court will open its eyes.” What’s that supposed to mean? They just issued their decision, you have completely failed and will only ask for donations and votes in between laughably ineffective performances of song and poetry. Jesus christ I can’t even with these Dem responses, effective as prayer.

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Lol Nate. One of the many sweet summer children who abound these days.

The consequences are easy to predict. There will be none.

It goes back to Reagan.