The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Ok, well sounds like they should do it then.

IANAL, but… I mean, keep in mind that in their ass backwards minds and in the laws in those states, abortion will be murder. So what laws exist for a state punishing a person who plans a murder in their state, leaves to carry out the murder in another state, then returns to their home state - perhaps with some evidence that gets destroyed?

Pretty sure that’s going to be trivially easy from a legal perspective. I assume planning a murder and destroying evidence are crimes even if the murder is out of jurisdiction.

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Florida just passed an abortion ban that goes into effect July 1.

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I mean does it even really matter? It’s calvinball, they can justify it in a million different ways.

And LM, what Kavanaugh wrote yesterday means 0 in terms of how he’d vote for it if it came up in 2 years.


I mean, it should crank Dem turnout up to about an 11, but we’ll see. It should also hurt the GOP a tiny bid with moderates and help them with their base, which probably nets out as an advantage overall on average but maybe not in a wave election where the base was turning out anyway.

I actually think one of the interesting questions is what happens to the average GOP state level candidate in places like Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Michigan? In theory, it just got harder for them to win on an extremist position on this. Like, people should realize that it’s in the realm of very possible that a GOP trifecta bans all abortions with no exceptions… So in theory it should be harder for an extremist to win, and it should be a bit harder for a pro lifer to win. Do we see a resurgence of pro choice Republicans at the state level in those states over a few cycles and 6-8 years?

Of course, that assumes a level playing field for elections, so… yeah. They can probably just suppress their way around it.

Only realistic way I see this backfiring is if large companies and organizations start punishing red states financially. Gonna be tough because a lot of them LOVE Texas and its low taxes.

But for starters, the NCAA should immediately relocate any championships in states with these bans. Two of the next three Final Fours are in Texas. The January 2024 CFB championship is in Texas too. Move them to another location now.




Democrats are an enemy of the state.

I know there’s a video, but…Onion?

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Why would it crank up Dem turnout? Logically, it should suppress it since, empirically speaking, voting for Dems is a useless, useless exercise and has been for decades.

Can’t really envision a scenario where I vote again any time soon.



Republicans are a shrewd, calculating political force. Democrats are a cult of hope and change, thoughts and prayers.

Not quite, it’s currently unconstitutional under the Florida Constitution. But the Florida Supreme Court has a 4-3 makeup. That is, four conservatives appointed by past governors and three conservatives appointed by DeSantis. So, yeah. It’s toast.

LMAO in case anyone is wondering where the most useless fucks in all the land are currently gathered.

I would say it’s more faith than hope. The centrist eDems all have unshakeable faith in the institutions that they revere.



Looking forward to the administration of President DeSantis impeaching Kavanaugh and installing a true conservative (Robert Bork’s re-animated corpse).

It’s kind of amazing how basically every sports pundit (most of them Chiefs) on my sports twitter list are vociferously against this, and don’t mind alienating their fans over it. Gives me a tiny shred of hope.

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I feel like this was someone who heard Polosi read this poem and part of it says 'I will sing until she [the country] opens her eyes" and thought, “Let’s do that literally”