The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

I honestly can’t see a way in which the SCt maintains any legitimacy in the future. Anything liberals do to correct the current corruption of the court is instantly going to end its legitimacy in the eyes of conservatives.

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This is a very reasonable position, but I disagree that it qualifies as “full control”. I assume that’s what the nittery is about.

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What should his response be? Legit asking because I’m not sure what he can do. I’m not saying there isn’t anything he can do. I’m just saying I don’t know quite what it is.

Mike Pence seems to care a lot about Life. Looking forward to reading his proposals to ban guns and make health care available to all.

Executive order establishing an abortion clinic at every federal courthouse (or other federal property as makes sense) in states that outlaw abortion.

Executive order allow abortions to be paid for with health insurance/Medicare/Medicaid.

Executive order training military doctors to perform safe abortions and inserting them on the ground across the country as needed per a National Emergency.

That’s just a start. 1 and 3 are explicitly legal. 2 maybe he could work something out or at least make the Courts deal with it like Trump did with all his bullshit.


i dunno but thank god it’s not me because i’d start sending in troops to red states


I didn’t know about 1 and 3 being legal, but that sounds good to me.


Ok, lawbros, what precedent exists for a state punishing a woman who leaves the state on her own and gets an abortion elsewhere? I have no doubt this will be a thing. But I’m interested in the exact calvinball mechanics that will be employed.

Minnesota or New Hampshire?

It’s this. Anyone that thinks this will backfire in any way on the GOP is the sweetest and summery-est of childs. The backfire theory assumes:
a) hardcore anti-abortioners aren’t actually onboard with the rest of the GOP agenda (lol, they are)
b) abortion won’t be on the ballot again (lol, it will be, just watch)

Abortion will be an issue in 2024 because blue states are full of groomers and pedophiles and child murderers, and we will need to protect the sanctity of life by outlawing abortion at a national level. These words will come out of President Ron Desantis’s mouth at some point during the campaign.

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Yeah, I don’t trust that NH won’t go red in the very near future.

Commerce Clause has been the calvinball mechanic for anything interstate they’ve selectively decided to want to stop in the past.

Did you not see the post above? They are sending in troops

…to attack the forthcoming protesters

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My buddy sent me a screen shot of his parents’ texts with him. His Dad says this ruling is very wrong and that abortion rules should come from doctors, not politicians. My buddy says he agrees, but that won’t be the case in 15-28 states.

His mom says he’s exaggerating, and his dad says that if he’s right, “Well, then, in my opinion, people should leave these states and never come back.”


His parents live in Florida.

Executive branch can do basically whatever it wants on federal property.

See here:

Cool, but can the state punish the woman for heading over there to get an abortion after she leaves the property? Or the abortion provider? I assume they can’t just live there.

another laugher from a loser


They wouldn’t have jurisdiction.