The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Portnoy doing more than Pelosi is hilarious and not surprising given how low the bar is

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Scalia not getting replaced was, both in retrospect and in the moment, a real inflection point.

It forced Republicans to show their hand much earlier than they wanted to that they no longer buy in to this democracy thing anymore–perhaps unsurprisngly after the reelection of a Black man as president. A lot of people didn’t see that for what it was, and considered it dirty politics or an abberation or whatever. But looking back from 6 years later it’s plain as day what was going on to everyone, even on the right.

Of course, you could go back to Bush v Gore or Reagan or whatever, but American empire has always had its surges of callousness and evil. This is different.


People like Mike Bloomberg should stop wasting money jerking themselves off at Harvard and start funding a general strike. The only way any of this gets better is inconveniencing people in power.

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Maybe, is it 376 AD or or 44 BC? Could just be getting started!

A strike doesn’t do shit besides harden conservative opinion. We’ll get a sweeping new limitations on strikes within a year.

It has been obvious for a while that the legitimacy of the court itself is the problem. It’s an interesting institution in that to function properly it requires good faith from all participants, and for everyone to believe they’re contributing to something greater than their political goals.

Without this, it’s a poisoned institution. Today seems like when people are starting to give up on the legitimacy of the court, and recognizing it is in fact a poisoned institution.

The real question to me is how it gets toppled–because it will get toppled–and what else will have to topple along with it before it goes? Once you lose the consent of the governed, anything is on the table. History is resoundingly clear on that point.

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This is the point where states should stop abiding by SCOTUS rulings.

I mean they won’t. But if there’s ever a liberal majority in SCOTUS, you bet your ass conservative states are gonna disregard SCOTUS rulings.

I agree, but that was already in 2016 and a lot had already happened. Dems failure to respond to that properly was a huge, “Well, we’re fucked,” moment.

Why would he want a general strike? That would be really bad for him.

Fugitive slave laws are the precedent.

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This feels more like 10+ years ago to me and I initially thought so to the point I had to actually check the math. It’s insane how much bad shit has happened in the last six years and how long they have felt.


I have faith that, just like Dred Scott, over several generations this problem will reverse itself - assuming we somehow dodge the very real possibility of full-blown fascism from which we can’t vote our way out of, and global warming or nuclear war doesn’t plunge us into the new dark ages before then.

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Well, he’s got a lot more skin in the abortion game. (did not watch video)

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I give a lot of credit to Mitch McConnell for deciding that the only way out of the demographic conundrum which was threatening to make the Republican party irrelevant - was to double down on the crazy and go full bad faith and obstructionism.

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The Dred Scott comparison isn’t a hopeful one imo, but more of a doomsday prediction. After all, it took the Civil War to unravel that one.

Predictable and embarrassing. A complete rudderless ship.

It still isn’t really unraveled either. Also a few more generations of suffering being the bull case is very grim.

Inciting hatred has a pretty good track record when it comes to seizing power.

It’s Friday in the summer. They could try to save the country from ruin, but if they leave early they can beat the worst of the traffic on the way to their recreational properties. Anyway, good luck out there. Vote Blue in November!


It’s the most important election in history.