The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

I’m not sure if there’s a thread on the forum that’s scarier to open when there is a chunk of new replies


What the heck scenarios are you folks imaging where you need a gun? It’s not going to be The Purge, we’re just going to become more like Russia.

You don’t think you a drawing live to some kind of civil war if trump loses and claims fraud?

The kind where individuals owning guns matters? No, absolutely not. Who the heck do you think is going to go to war? It’d be the entire US military and every police department in the country vs… what? Angry people on Twitter?

A civil war requires a second side willing to fight and die for something.

Maybe you should be willing to fight I say on the internet

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I couldn’t even convince people to spend a weekend afternoon waving a sign in a park.


If you had a gun I bet you could


6 posts were split to a new topic: The Central Park Five

Having an off grid location/homestead is a freeroll right now. Sucks that is the reality we are in but it cannot be denied.

If you can find one I would consider the Kel-tec SU16CA.

Rereading this it sounds a bit hostile to @StimAbuser, which was not intended at all. The “you” in all of that is more like “one” and addressed to no one in particular - especially not Stim.

Kav crashing his car after drinking on the job?



Maybe RBG is just teasing conservatives with the idea that they might get to replace her.

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JFC did this really have to start with ALL CAPS? Fucking heart palpitations.


One time was to get her to January.

I hate this fucking thread so much. Freaks me out.

is there anyone in politics advocating a serious change in the way US judges are appointed? the current system seems awful to me.