The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Totally disagree. You’ve gotta put it in the frame of what’s going on in this country. This 2020 election is for all the marbles, not for four more years. If he wins, we’re likely going to slide into an authoritarian dictatorship. So losing the battle but winning the war (as long as we keep playing by the normal rules after the election) is useless, because we won’t be playing by the normal rules.

Like, if any court packing happens in America in 2021, it probably means Trump won and appointed six justices that will side with him on everything.

Exactly this, but it doesn’t mean I have to be happy about it.

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Both CNN and MSNBC framing it as a Trump win.

I agree with your overall take, so maybe this is the difference: I had long ago internalized and accepted that we’d never win anything of significance here, so these decisions aren’t a huge blow to me.

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I dont think anyone was expecting that. Just like how long have these people been trying to get these, hasn’t it been several years? like how do we have a system for oversight, that can be held up in the courts for multiple years and then get sent back to the courts. Like yea we have oversight but for it to take effect it seems you need to have a two term president?


Ds got destroyed is the correct take. It’s post dated until after November at which point a) Rs use this as an excuse to drag Biden into court on January 21, 2021 b) Trump pulls a win out of his ass and is like sure look at all the records you want… or maybe I will tell you to fuck off just cuz fuck you, that’s why… doesn’t really matter either way, I own the country now…

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Most of the eDems are millionaires with all the things that they allegedly fight for on behalf of the middle class and the working class. I am certain they don’t feel “destroyed” by these political losses. Just something else to discuss on the way to the beach house for the weekend .


The court is just assuming Biden will win, just like Comey assumed Hillary would. We’ve seen the danger associated with such an approach.

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I’m sure its lawbro shit but like why does he get to assert more reasons for why he shouldnt have to turn them over? Like hey bro lets give you another shot.

Because no matter what happens, people here just say WAAF. It’s Stockholm Syndrome. It’s ridiculous.


This seems promising

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CNN updates to a slightly more balanced headline:


I’m still viewing this as a win relative to the alternative.

Edit: And none of this excuses the House’s shameful refusal to actually force Mnuchin to provide the returns or otherwise enforce subpoenas.

Source? I thought DB had thrown them out illegally?

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i think it would be amusing and obviously dangerous but mostly amusing if the state of Oklahoma just ousted all the inmates they lost jurisdiction over today. like immediate release and tell the Fed since you guys wanted them you can catch them.

Bets are graded. Punters have it.

The correct result begins with an 0-2 deficit in every supreme court case. At least it’s not an 0-4 deficit, yet.

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Probably better for the media thread, but LOL over CNN’s headline evolution:
Current version:

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Sometimes arguments go from “in principle” (eg, on a motion to dismiss) to “well, how about the actual facts in this particular case” (as in a motion to quash). Sometimes they’re dealt with together, but not when SCt provides new guidance for the applicable legal analysis in a particular case.

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thanks, also I’m seeing even before Deutsche bank announcment, that the NY AG/grand jury would still see the returns soon? Hows that possible or where is that coming from?

Edit: From Neal Kaytal he’s basically saying the Vance case can move very fast so he expects resolution before election, hopefully with Deustche providing stuff maybe that happens

seems that breaking news about Deutsche was bull.

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