The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Of course I agree with this and the process sucks

I’m not at all trying to dunk man JFC it’s bad

Just saying the expectations may have been a bit high and we should be happy with the result all thigns considered


So in essence, really the supreme court just punted both, they act like they are siding on the right side but in essence, are doing the bare minimum to piss off either side as little as possible and kick the can down the road, thats great.


Also to be clear thinking Trumps tax returns would materially affect the election is also LOL


OK my bad.

My expectations were that they’d punt it until after the election. We should not be happy with it, though. The guardrails are off. If he wins in November, he’ll be dictator before these cases work their way through the courts and it won’t matter.

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I have no argument there

Just saying that if they wanted to force him to produce the tax returns now, it would have been 5-4 with us losing

Given who is on the court this is the result we should be OK with

Another reason to pack the fucking court

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I don’t think anyone thought this except maybe possibly perhaps Trump himself (seriously)

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Nah, I don’t think we should be okay with the SCOTUS being a joke.

Joe Biden is never packing the court.


I honestly think a 5-4 loss would be better for the country. This just provides the illusion of a functioning system and dampens urgency by allowing folks to ignore reality.


yep it sucks

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well at least we can count on GOP to not stall…



And now Trump is going to attack the Supreme Court anyway, because of course he is. So the right will think SCOTUS is a bunch of partisan liberal hacks, which makes this even better. Democrats fucking getting destroyed here.

Do Dems ever not get destroyed?

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Nobody thought that a SCOTUS decision would result in the tax returns being instantly printed/emailed to everyone in the US. Sure, it’s disappointing that Trump is going to run out the clock, but this is way more of a win than a loss IMO.

Like, this is a total mispresentation from CNN, almost like they had both versions of the story ready to print depending on the outcome, and then just posted the wrong one:


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No, we root for the Washington Generals. That makes us even fucking dumber than them.

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I disagree with this. They’ll punt it down the road until we have Republicans asking for some Democrat’s taxes and the Supreme Court will do a 100 yard dash to the Capitol building themselves.


Yeah I don’t understand the level of frustration itt wrt these decisions. I mean what did people think was gonna happen?