The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

it is possible clarence is in a get out type situation with ginny pulling the strings.

Well, if state college diplomas are also worth ~15c, then I guess law school must be pretty worthless in general. Too bad for us he didn’t figure it out earlier and do something else instead.

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What a fucking asshole.


but his freeeeeeeeeedoommmmmmmmmm

Gorsuch 100% trolling here. Just the worst.

And of course the right outcome is for Sotomayor to quarantine, rather than Gorsuch. Jesus Christ.

It’s the American Dream my friend - complain to the manager, and you will be accomodated.

This isn’t what was reported, though. Why libs continue an obviously false illusion of cooperation I will never understand.

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She likes writing YASS QUEEN dissents but draws the line at meekly asking Gorsuch to do something completely reasonable

We got him


8-1 lol Clarence Thomas

Thomas is for sure the worst Justice of all time. He is a terrible writer, has a poor understanding of legal history, can’t form a good argument and is completely partisan.

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Doesn’t he have a niece or nephew that can call him out?

clarence is for sure being mind-controlled by ginny. i wouldn’t be surprised if pharmaceuticals were involved.

Real Clarence being in the Sunken Place would explain a whole lot.

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And sadly will probably be the second most influential justice after Scalia in our lifetimes

30 fucking years.

So what is the like, “If Breyer doesn’t retire by X then he’s not retiring before the midterms,” date?

At this point I’m almost hoping he doesn’t retire, waits until the GOP has the Senate, and they block the nominee. What the fuck difference does it make? 6-3? 6-2? 7-2? Losing is losing. More bad faith, more obstructionism, more people waking up to it.



Nope, I’m just a chump.

Manchin and or Sinema would just say it’s an election year and refuse to confirm anyone until after the midterms. It doesn’t matter now when Breyer retires.

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